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Indicators on cars

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Just a note to all you people out there who don't understand the indicating process...


When wishing to change lanes you should INDICATE FIRST and then pull across when safe do so. Indicators are not to be used AFTER you have already started moving across lanes and cutting someone up!


I don't know about anyone else but this seems to be happening more and more frequently to me and then when I beep my horn I get sworn at as if I'm in the wrong.


Pathetic!....Rant over!

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Next rant: indicators at roundabouts.


Once entering/on roundabout, signal:

a. LEFT if you're taking first/next exit;

b. nothing if you're going straight on (i.e. signal left only once you're passing last exit before yours); or

c. RIGHT if you'll be taking an exit more than 180 degrees around it (i.e. cancel this signal once you're 180 degrees from your exit; and signal left only once you're passing last exit before yours).


AND observe lane discipline too.

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Yes that may be it BettyBooHoo! - I could kind of get on with it if they acknowledged it in some way e.g quick flash of the hazards to say sorry, Hand up in the mirror or out of the window but when they swear at you and make out like your in the wrong thats the bit I hate!

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Next rant: indicators at roundabouts.


Once entering/on roundabout, signal:

a. LEFT if you're taking first/next exit;

b. nothing if you're going straight on (i.e. signal left only once you're passing last exit before yours); or

c. RIGHT if you'll be taking an exit more than 180 degrees around it (i.e. cancel this signal once you're 180 degrees from your exit; and signal left only once you're passing last exit before yours).


AND observe lane discipline too.


Isn't it just so obvious to those of us who do understand and follow those rules. ;)


Easy to do, costs nothing, and keeps everyone around in the picture. So for those of you who don't use indicators, why not try today!

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Isn't it just so obvious to those of us who do understand and follow those rules. ;)


Easy to do, costs nothing, and keeps everyone around in the picture. So for those of you who don't use indicators, why not try today!


A bit like manners, not everyone chooses to use them.

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