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Indicators on cars

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Indicators are a waste of money on cars in the UK.




Few people bother to use them and even fewer police are available to enforce the law.


The law which regulates the use of indicators is simple. So are those who are expected to benefit from it. Unfortunately, most UK drivers have neither a licence nor a piece of paper which would entitle them to be there.


Where do you (and 500 family members) go from here?


Best go elsewhere.


You can't say that, Rupert! - It's racist!


So if my kid can't get something because we only give those things to people of other ethnicities, that's OK?

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Bloody good question!


Here's what I wrote:

Indicators are a waste of money on cars in the UK.




Few people bother to use them and even fewer police are available to enforce the law.


The law which regulates the use of indicators is simple. So are those who are expected to benefit from it. Unfortunately, most UK drivers have neither a licence nor a piece of paper which would entitle them to be there.


Here is what I did NOT write (nor did I edit the post):


Where do you (and 500 family members) go from here?


Best go elsewhere.


You can't say that, Rupert! - It's racist!


So if my kid can't get something because we only give those things to people of other ethnicities, that's OK?



I'm reporting this post to the mods (the faulty post was #51)


I did NOT edit that post and I don't understand the editing either. - I've no idea what I'm going on about - or rather I've no idea what whoever edited the post is going on about!

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If you are a experience driver you will know if there is any car behind you, if there is no car behind you whats the point in indicating to turn left?


Just keeps you in the habit I suppose...it's not exactly the most difficult thing to do is it..


Bad habit. Use indicators whenever there is somebody present who may benefit from their use.


Because there may be some pedestrians, wanting to cross the road, who would appreciate knowing which way you are going.


If you're paying attention to what's going on (if you are at least half-awake) and if your are exercising reasonable observation (looking at what's going on around you) would you not be aware that there were pedestrians waiting to cross the road?


I can't remember what the Highway Code says (can't remember the specific instruction) but various advanced driving /riding manuals say: "Use your indicators whenever there is somebody who may benefit form the signal."


If you're even half awake and there is somebody (another road user) who might benefit from you using the signal, you would, of course, use it.


If you didn't see that road user are you in a fit state to be on the road?


Is your eyesight defective?


'SMIDSY'- "Sorry mate, I didn't see you." Should be unacceptable. Should read "I don't look where I'm going and I'm not fit to be on the road" or "My eyesight is so bad I shouldn't be on the road."


There's no excuse.

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But, Rupert, it is the case that drivers have blind spots that they should be aware of as potentially giving rise to someone uttering SMIDSY

- Blind spots 91+ degrees from forward vision and those not covered by your door mirrors

- blind spots created by the hefty, thick window/door pillars ahead, to the side and behind

- the blind spot created by the eye's optic nerve

- the situational type of blind spot: "I've passed through this junction hundreds of times and there's never been a cyclist before"

- the blindspot created bang ahead of you when you scan quickly right and then left for your usual quick look'n'go.

- blind spots and poor vision (a daily "this is a bad junction") created by repeated poor positioning at (angled) junctions

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And Taxi drivers they seem to think they can just stop where they want,when they want,mind you they do seem to have a closed membership from what Iv seen of their driving ,I think they call it "The driving/taxi license share club"

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If you treat everybody else on the road as being slightly challenged you will always be safe as you learn to make allowances, especially for the ones who are usually controlling the car by use of the phone to the ear or texting

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