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Gurkha is disciplined for beheading a Taliban

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ok, my bad. i assumed trickery and answered wrong. for that, i'm sorry.


i know that the two had a pact to more or less not work together exactly, so were not allies, but agreed on non-agression.


the idea of how the war would have ended if russia hadn't been on 'our side' i agree with. don't think we'd have won, and, yes, the US woulda dropped bombs on europe.


the 'for my blood and flesh' argument for all out war is a dangerous one. because if you do it to the other side, are you not, by extension, making your own fam legitimate targets in that war too?


Again I would refer you to WWII and Neville Chamberlain 1938:


'My good friends, this is the second time in our history that there has come back from Germany to Downing Street peace with honour. I believe it is peace for our time. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts. And now I recommend you to go home and sleep quietly in your beds'

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Again I would refer you to WWII and Neville Chamberlain 1938:


'My good friends, this is the second time in our history that there has come back from Germany to Downing Street peace with honour. I believe it is peace for our time. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts. And now I recommend you to go home and sleep quietly in your beds'


not sure your quote advocates winning war at all costs. still, that would be his thinking, not mine. mine still is that war won at all cost is a war lost by both sides and the peace that follows is not olnly soiled, but can not last.

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Fair play to the Gurkha's, give the enemy a taste of their own medicine, at least the bloke was deceased, unlike what the enemy do to ours while still alive.


Aye, our little Gurkha friend deserves a bloody medal, not punishment.






Here here! The gurkha's know how its done!

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No trickery my friend, you made assertions that I challenged. Resorting to 'you know what I meant' is hardly the fare of intelligent debate is it.


As for deals with the devil, in case you don't know your history, if Hitler hadn't turned on his ally (Russia) I would hazard a guess that the outcome of WWII may have been very different. Our Cousins over the pond may very well have used Atomic bombs on mainland Europe as well as Japan.


As for your question of 'won at all costs', that is too open a question. If it meant the survival of my children and family then yes, any cost.


It was an alliance only on paper and as far as Hitler was concerned a very temporary one until he had dealt with France and Britain.

His real mission was to wipe out all Slavs and Jews in eastern Europe and make room for his so called German Aryans

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What I find strange is you finding any correlation between the killing and beheading for identification purposes of an enemy combatant and a village of 500 unarmed men, women, children and babies.


Very strange indeed.


Twaddle! One moment you're advocating military action at any cost to win then in the next breath you're ridiculing the actions of those involved in Mai Lai, and then revert to protecting the actions of a Gurkha...Christ man make your mind up you're all over the shop.

You really can't see the psychological similarities of a bunch of Americans who went off the reservation and a Gurkha hacking off the head of a dead combatant. Once you work outside the rules of the GC you lose moral high ground..it has nothing to do with liberalism but everything to do with how you conduct yourself as a human being because that's what you were born as, not a soldier. Common sense tells me when you are capable of hacking through the neck of another human you've lost it, especially when that neck is dead, or are you suggesting the Taliban executioners are fighting a war at all costs? In which case you should be rallying their cause too. :roll:


You've posted links in the case of Mai Lai and followed with tabloid type sentimental nonsense with such terms as "little children", "women" etc to honey sympathy from those that need others to think for them , but resisted links to Dresden where many women and poor"likkle" children were massacred.

All the nutters in the world have left a terrible legacy, you advocate the madness of that legacy.


Your logic feeds hate, it perpetuates the very thing we would supposedly be fighting against.

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'oughter' :hihi: :hihi:


Why should I shut up.


Are you saying that My Lai did not happen and that the BBC is far left: http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/1968/mylai.shtml


Are you saying Napalm wasn't dropped on innocent children? http://alturl.com/nvdwg


You have gone from deploring the actions of a Gurkha and his actions towards a dead Taliban fighter to spouting that My Lai was a figment of the far left media's imagination.


Strange, very strange.




Any you think it's wrong that the Gurkha was disciplined? Cant you make your mind up where you stand on what's wrong and what's right?

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Any you think it's wrong that the Gurkha was disciplined? Cant you make your mind up where you stand on what's wrong and what's right?


Sort your grammar out Harley, otherwise you'll get it in the neck from Casey Ryback...again. :hihi:

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