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Gurkha is disciplined for beheading a Taliban

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They certainly are very efficient little mercenaries.


When I was at the Royal Artillery depot, Woolwich waiting to be posted to my service regiment a squad of Gurkhas arrived for a few days stay.


Their turnout and drill were Ace. Their civies were all the same. Dark green jackets and gray flannels.


They were prime jungle warriors too. They could lie in wait for days in the fetid, smelly humid jungle to carry out an ambush.


There was a whole brigade of them stationed near us in Malaya. Great guys to share a few beers with too.

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It was an alliance only on paper and as far as Hitler was concerned a very temporary one until he had dealt with France and Britain.

His real mission was to wipe out all Slavs and Jews in eastern Europe and make room for his so called German Aryans



Oh dear, not too bright are we, cut down on the junk food it's addling your brain.


Note the 'IF' I included in my post. :D

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Twaddle! One moment you're advocating military action at any cost to win then in the next breath you're ridiculing the actions of those involved in Mai Lai, and then revert to protecting the actions of a Gurkha...Christ man make your mind up you're all over the shop.

You really can't see the psychological similarities of a bunch of Americans who went off the reservation and a Gurkha hacking off the head of a dead combatant. Once you work outside the rules of the GC you lose moral high ground..it has nothing to do with liberalism but everything to do with how you conduct yourself as a human being because that's what you were born as, not a soldier. Common sense tells me when you are capable of hacking through the neck of another human you've lost it, especially when that neck is dead, or are you suggesting the Taliban executioners are fighting a war at all costs? In which case you should be rallying their cause too. :roll:


You've posted links in the case of Mai Lai and followed with tabloid type sentimental nonsense with such terms as "little children", "women" etc to honey sympathy from those that need others to think for them , but resisted links to Dresden where many women and poor"likkle" children were massacred.

All the nutters in the world have left a terrible legacy, you advocate the madness of that legacy.


Your logic feeds hate, it perpetuates the very thing we would supposedly be fighting against.


1. I have already motioned Dresden and Cologne - FAIL 1


2. My links were in specific response to a holier than thou honorary yank who stated that My Lai and Napalming were figments of the left wing press. - FAIL 2


3. There is no correlation between removing (hacking a bit emotive but you know that) of an enemy COMBATANT'S head to prove his identitiy and death, and a bunch of gung ho yanks high on dope opening fire on 500 men women, children and babies. Not in my book anyway. - FAIL 3


4. Taliban are fighting a war of ideology are NOT governed by the Geneva Convention and would not hestitate if the means presented itself to wipe you, me and everyone in the west out to achieve their holy goal. FAIL 4


If you think harsh language and a stern look at a bunch of Taliban fighters will teach them the error of their ways then I suggest you get a plane out to Helmund and do it, other wise wind your neck in.

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When I was at the Royal Artillery depot, Woolwich waiting to be posted to my service regiment a squad of Gurkhas arrived for a few days stay.


Their turnout and drill were Ace. Their civies were all the same. Dark green jackets and gray flannels.


They were prime jungle warriors too. They could lie in wait for days in the fetid, smelly humid jungle to carry out an ambush.


There was a whole brigade of them stationed near us in Malaya. Great guys to share a few beers with too.


And if it meant cutting the heads off a few Black Cobras to save your sorry ass you would have been grateful.

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Oh dear, not too bright are we, cut down on the junk food it's addling your brain.


Note the 'IF' I included in my post. :D



"Ifs" dont count. We're not discussing IFs We're diccussing actual history so get with it

If you cannot make it clear where you stand on what is right and what is wrong then stop wasting everybody's time.


You appear to be either a hypocrite or totally confused. Too much cheap barley wine I presume?

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1. I have already motioned Dresden and Cologne - FAIL 1


2. My links were in specific response to a holier than thou honorary yank who stated that My Lai and Napalming were figments of the left wing press. - FAIL 2


3. There is no correlation between removing (hacking a bit emotive but you know that) of an enemy COMBATANT'S head to prove his identitiy and death, and a bunch of gung ho yanks high on dope opening fire on 500 men women, children and babies. Not in my book anyway. - FAIL 3


4. Taliban are fighting a war of ideology are NOT governed by the Geneva Convention and would not hestitate if the means presented itself to wipe you, me and everyone in the west out to achieve their holy goal. FAIL 4


If you think harsh language and a stern look at a bunch of Taliban fighters will teach them the error of their ways then I suggest you get a plane out to Helmund and do it, other wise wind your neck in.



No one said that Mai Lai and other incidents were fiction you twit. I said that the perpetrators of those crimes were punished accordingly and justice was served.


You seem to have a schitzo outlook and I suspect just another wind up merchant.


Furthermore the nearest you've ever come to being in an army was a date with the trombonist in the local Salvation Army band.


Boy. I'd sure hate to serve in any military outfit with someone like you. You are of the same mold as Lt Calley of Mail Lai.

There were people like you in the British army (in which incidentally I served also). They usually ended up in an army psychiatric facility


If someone like you had brought me the head of an enemy combatant I would have had you arrested and thrown into the loony tank.


Some soldiers have always committed crimes that warrant court martials. A profesional either kills or captures the enemy. He does NOT mutilate the body after death.


Anyway, stop wasting my time you wannabe Ghengis Khan

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"Ifs" dont count. We're not discussing IFs We're diccussing actual history so get with it

If you cannot make it clear where you stand on what is right and what is wrong then stop wasting everybody's time.


You appear to be either a hypocrite or totally confused. Too much cheap barley wine I presume?


The if was in relation to whether Hitler hadn't invaded Russia. No to do with where I stand.


Where I stand on My Lai is it was a war crime. A Gurkha cutting the head off a dead enemy combatant for identification purposes is not. Is that clear enough for you or are you dense.

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