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Gurkha is disciplined for beheading a Taliban

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No one said that Mai Lai and other incidents were fiction you twit. I said that the perpetrators of those crimes were punished accordingly and justice was served.


No you didn't you said in relation My Lai and Napalm:


You oughter shut up cos you weren't there. You're just parroting old stuff that was popular in the far left media.


You ought to have seen what the NVA and Charlie did to a lot of their own people. I did



You seem to have a schitzo outlook and I suspect just another wind up merchant.


See above.


Furthermore the nearest you've ever come to being in an army was a date with the trombonist in the local Salvation Army band.


Incorrect 4 generations prior to myself serving in Army, RAF and Navy. Including one (all be it an in-law0 Battle Britain Spitfire pilot.


Boy. I'd sure hate to serve in any military outfit with someone like you. You are of the same mold as Lt Calley of Mail Lai.


I have made my position clear, the deliberate killing of a whole village of civilians by doped up gung ho yanks is not remotely the same as what the Gurkha did. Again put the burger down and read what is in front of you


There were people like you in the British army (in which incidentally I served also). They usually ended up in an army psychiatric facility.


Really so the Gurkhas serving in Sarawak ended up in in straight jackets.:rolleyes:


If someone like you had brought me the head of an enemy combatant I would have had you arrested and thrown into the loony tank.


Of course you would.


Some soldiers have always committed crimes that warrant court martials. A profesional either kills or captures the enemy. He does NOT mutilate the body after death.


No argument. But I seriously doubt you would be taking the moral high ground if you had seen real combat and like I have said My Lai = war crime. Dead Taliban fighter beheaded after death for identification = necessary.


Anyway, stop wasting my time you wannabe Ghengis Khan


Rather rich coming from a yank wannabe who's nation made such a success of Vietnam.


The 100% American is 99% idiot.

George Bernard Shaw

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No you didn't you said in relation My Lai and Napalm:







See above.




Incorrect 4 generations prior to myself serving in Army, RAF and Navy. Including one (all be it an in-law0 Battle Britain Spitfire pilot.




I have made my position clear, the deliberate killing of a whole village of civilians by doped up gung ho yanks is not remotely the same as what the Gurkha did. Again put the burger down and read what is in front of you




Really so the Gurkhas serving in Sarawak ended up in in straight jackets.:rolleyes:




Of course you would.




No argument. But I seriously doubt you would be taking the moral high ground if you had seen real combat and like I have said My Lai = war crime. Dead Taliban fighter beheaded after death for identification = necessary.




Rather rich coming from a yank wannabe who's nation made such a success of Vietnam.


The 100% American is 99% idiot.

George Bernard Shaw




Since you appear to be as thick as two short planks let me explain something to you. The atrocity committed by an army platoon in Vietnam 40 odd years ago does not excuse the actions of a single soldier serving in Afghanistan at the present time

You seem to be using Mai Lai as an excuse for seeing the action of this Gurkha as non punishable.

"You people did bad things so stop criticizing one of ours for doing the same" is what you're saying. Any soldier with a sense of self respect does not go around beheading enemy combatants or anyone else for that matter after death. Whether or not he was a civilian has nothing to do with it.


Too bad you're one of these people who have the annoying habit of posting links from Youtube every time you make a point.

There are photos today in the possession of Vietnam veterans of atrocities committed by the VC and NVA against their own people and all well documented in military archives.

I would not use that as an excuse to condone the atrocity committed at Mai Lai. A platoon of pi**sed off soldiers mad at some of their mates being killed earlier by the VC does not represent a whole army.


If you want to keep on harping about atrocities committed by armies that happened in history lets go further back.

There are no armies of any leading world nation that are exempt.


Canadians burned German troops to death with flame throwers attached to tanks in Normandy


German troops committed atrocities against millions of European civilians. Russian troops committed atrocities against German civilians as well as untold thousanfs of citizens belonging to other nations


The British Arny's Black and Tan Militia committed atrocities against Irish civilians that would have done an SS unit credit


Oliver cromwell's army wiped out the Irish city of Drogheda. No one was spared, men women or children.


I could go on and on.


Oh and by the way. Quit the remarks about hamburgers. Not all yanks eat them but McDonald's seem to be doing pretty well in England.


These kind of side remarks only label you as a closet minded xenophobe and a <REMOVED>

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Since you appear to be as thick as two short planks let me explain something to you. The atrocity committed by an army platoon in Vietnam 40 odd years ago does not excuse the actions of a single soldier serving in Afghanistan at the present time

You seem to be using Mai Lai as an excuse for seeing the action of this Gurkha as non punishable.

"You people did bad things so stop criticizing one of ours for doing the same" is what you're saying. Any soldier with a sense of self respect does not go around beheading enemy combatants or anyone else for that matter after death. Whether or not he was a civilian has nothing to do with it.


Too bad you're one of these people who have the annoying habit of posting links from Youtube every time you make a point.

There are photos today in the possession of Vietnam veterans of atrocities committed by the VC and NVA against their own people and all well documented in military archives.

I would not use that as an excuse to condone the atrocity committed at Mai Lai. A platoon of pi**sed off soldiers mad at some of their mates being killed earlier by the VC does not represent a whole army.


If you want to keep on harping about atrocities committed by armies that happened in history lets go further back.

There are no armies of any leading world nation that are exempt.


Canadians burned German troops to death with flame throwers attached to tanks in Normandy


German troops committed atrocities against millions of European civilians. Russian troops committed atrocities against German civilians as well as untold thousanfs of citizens belonging to other nations


The British Arny's Black and Tan Militia committed atrocities against Irish civilians that would have done an SS unit credit


Oliver cromwell's army wiped out the Irish city of Drogheda. No one was spared, men women or children.


I could go on and on.


Oh and by the way. Quit the remarks about hamburgers. Not all yanks eat them but McDonald's seem to be doing pretty well in England.


These kind of side remarks only label you as a closet minded xenophobe and a <REMOVED>


The Gurkhas actions don't need excusing, end of.


The My Lai atrocity cannot be excused.


See the difference? No? then who is thick as two short planks. Get it yet.


Seems the burgers are getting under your skin, come to think of it they get under the skin of a huge swathe of obese yanks. :hihi:


Now run along my wannabe yank chum and don't fret too much about the down rating of your economy.

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The Gurkhas actions don't need excusing, end of.


The My Lai atrocity cannot be excused.


See the difference? No? then who is thick as two short planks. Get it yet.


Seems the burgers are getting under your skin, come to think of it they get under the skin of a huge swathe of obese yanks. :hihi:


Now run along my wannabe yank chum and don't fret too much about the down rating of your economy.


So long Meat Head. You're as thick as <REMOVED> :hihi:

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4. Taliban are fighting a war of ideology are NOT governed by the Geneva Convention and would not hestitate if the means presented itself to wipe you, me and everyone in the west out to achieve their holy goal. FAIL 4


The victors shall determine what WAS legal.

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Will the Taleban do the same to any British soldier they might just capture? Nornally they might just knock him around a bit and then later barter for his release.


What would be the reaction of his family and the British public if he was decapitated?


Taleban barbarity or just par for the course ?

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Naff website - buy saw this slogan on a t shirt the other day and thought it funny :)


Pip! pip! Hooray for Victor Stenger. What a refreshiingly light hearted look at a horrendous act of terrorism. :gag:


Hope he's on the top floor if and when another plane flies into some bleddy great big London office building

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