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Gurkha is disciplined for beheading a Taliban

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Some of the more memorable responses to this thread include: several users suggesting a man should be rewarded for beheading another human being; a Rambo-esque 'shoot first ask questions later' comment regarding foreign fighters; some slightly troubling preaching of a religious nature; the kind of military rallying which The Party would be proud of; a user hoping for a scientist to be killed in a plane crash.


When did the UK turn into




...the guy wants a medal not a court martial.


Hopefully it will put the fear of God into the Taliban... I have zero sympathy for anyone who as ArchViz says murders innocent non-combatants in the same manner.


Aye, our little Gurkha friend deserves a bloody medal, not punishment.


the end is near then we will see who prevails and who fails there is only one lord of the world not all these little jokes chasing materialism the pharoas thought they where gods they got robbed blind think you gonna take all that with think again. may god show us all the light if we are lucky enough!


The ONLY solution for dealing with the Taliban should be SHOOT TO KILL... why should they expect anything less than instantaneous death -no questions, no prisoners, no mercy, from the Forces whose duty is to fight them.


I FIND IT INSANE THAT YOUR ATTITUDE EXISTS!!:rant: War is about killing the enemy faster than they kill you and living to fight another day... You and your ilk get soldiers killed, you and your ilk are the ones who send troops in and then stop them winning:rant: War happens because the people voted in fail, then those failures tie the hand of the military so they get bogged down in a war they could win if they were allowed to do the job. however you and your ilk would rather see dead soldiers of this nation come home than the military win. :rant:


Pip! pip! Hooray for Victor Stenger. What a refreshiingly light hearted look at a horrendous act of terrorism. :gag:


Hope he's on the top floor if and when another plane flies into some bleddy great big London office building

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Some of the more memorable responses to this thread include: several users suggesting a man should be rewarded for beheading another human being; a Rambo-esque 'shoot first ask questions later' comment regarding foreign fighters; some slightly troubling preaching of a religious nature; the kind of military rallying which The Party would be proud of; a user hoping for a scientist to be killed in a plane crash.


When did the UK turn into



I stand by my comments.

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Some of the more memorable responses to this thread include: several users suggesting a man should be rewarded for beheading another human being; a Rambo-esque 'shoot first ask questions later' comment regarding foreign fighters; some slightly troubling preaching of a religious nature; the kind of military rallying which The Party would be proud of; a user hoping for a scientist to be killed in a plane crash.When did the UK turn into



I wonder if Victor Stenger for all his skepticism and atheism would have found it acceptable if something as light and suggestively humorous about the holocaust were to be pasted on public transport buses.


Freedom of expression is everyone's right of course but he ought to have a bit more tact

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I wonder if Victor Stenger for all his skepticism and atheism would have found it acceptable if something as light and suggestively humorous about the holocaust were to be pasted on public transport buses.


“Science flies you to the moon. Religion flies you into buildings.”


Stenger's quote concerns religious beliefs compelling individuals to commit violent acts, in a way which science does not; your vague comparison with an unspecified comment regarding the Holocaust is without merit.



Freedom of expression is everyone's right of course but he ought to have a bit more tact


This from the man who hopes a scientist commenting on religious terrorism should be killed in a plane crash.

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“Science flies you to the moon. Religion flies you into buildings.”


Stenger's quote concerns religious beliefs compelling individuals to commit violent acts, in a way which science does not; your vague comparison with an unspecified comment regarding the Holocaust is without merit.





This from the man who hopes a scientist commenting on religious terrorism should be killed in a plane crash.




I'm not a church going person at all and neither am I an atheist but "Religion flies you into buildings?"

Religion does not fly people into buildings. A sickness of mind and perversity of thought flies people into buildings.


The 9/11 perpetrators were no more Muslim than Hitler was a Christian. They just chose to wear that cloak just like the Klu KLux Klan hide their hate and intolerance under the cloak of White Aryan Christians.


Therefore Stenger's witticism is both innacurate and tasteless.


I admit I may have overreacted a little emotionally but perhaps I find the 9/11 tragedy somewhat more traumatic than you do.


Have you ever visited Ground Zero?


Have you thought of the hundreds of fire fighters, policemen and rescue workers who went inti the towers knowing that they might never come out alive but nevertheless determined to rescue as many people trapped inside as they could?


Have you thought of the hundreds of poor wretches trapped on the upper floors who chose death by jumping rather than being burned alive?


Have you thought of the passengers and crews on the hijacked planes?

Would you like to be a passenger on a hijacked plane or when you fly do you just have the smug thought that "this kind of thing could never happen to me"?


Yes we have freedom of thought and expression but common decency should prevail when making comments about horrific tragedies that took the lives of innocent people throughout history


Posting comments on public buses that were designed to raise an eyebrow and encourage a cynical sense of humour is the bottom of the barrel.


Therefore in summation Stenger is nothing but a smart assed ignoramus who because of his academic abilities and level of intellect should have known better

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I'm not a church going person at all and neither am I an atheist but "Religion flies you into buildings?"

Religion does not fly people into buildings. A sickness of mind and perversity of thought flies people into buildings.


A sickness of mind and perversity brought on by religion.



The 9/11 perpetrators were no more Muslim than Hitler was a Christian. They just chose to wear that cloak just like the Klu KLux Klan hide their hate and intolerance under the cloak of White Aryan Christians.


Therefore Stenger's witticism is both innacurate and tasteless.


Hitler made many public statements regarding his religiosity and often invoked god in support of German soldiers:


"Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord."


"My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded only by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter."


"May therefore God give us the strength to continue to do our duty and with this prayer we bow in homage before our dead heroes, before those whom they have left behind in bereavement, and before all the other victims of this war."


"In this world him who does not abandon himself the Almighty will not desert. Him who helps himself will the Almighty always also help; He will show him the way by which he can gain his rights, his freedom, and therefore his future."


"The National Socialist State professes its allegiance to positive Christianity."


"It matters not whether these weapons of ours are humane: if they gain us our freedom, they are justified before our conscience and before our God."


"We have faith that one day Heaven will bring the Germans back into a Reich over which there shall be no Soviet star, no Jewish star of David, but above that Reich there shall be the symbol of German labor - the Swastika. And that will mean that the first of May has truly come."


A reading of Mein Kampf is enough to get a proper handle on the Christian beliefs of Hitler; by the end any reader would be left in no doubt as to his beliefs. It is also worth pointing out that many of Hitler's speeches directly reference and use the language of scripture.

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A sickness of mind and perversity brought on by religion.





Hitler made many public statements regarding his religiosity and often invoked god in support of German soldiers:


"Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord."


"My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded only by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter."


"May therefore God give us the strength to continue to do our duty and with this prayer we bow in homage before our dead heroes, before those whom they have left behind in bereavement, and before all the other victims of this war."


"In this world him who does not abandon himself the Almighty will not desert. Him who helps himself will the Almighty always also help; He will show him the way by which he can gain his rights, his freedom, and therefore his future."


"The National Socialist State professes its allegiance to positive Christianity."


"It matters not whether these weapons of ours are humane: if they gain us our freedom, they are justified before our conscience and before our God."


"We have faith that one day Heaven will bring the Germans back into a Reich over which there shall be no Soviet star, no Jewish star of David, but above that Reich there shall be the symbol of German labor - the Swastika. And that will mean that the first of May has truly come."


A reading of Mein Kampf is enough to get a proper handle on the Christian beliefs of Hitler; by the end any reader would be left in no doubt as to his beliefs. It is also worth pointing out that many of Hitler's speeches directly reference and use the language of scripture.



So Hitler personified the whole Christian world did he ? :rolleyes:


This is a convenient argument against Christianity often touted by Atheists.


If you want to go on wearing blinkers then go ahead. It seems that you would never be capable of seeing and appreciating the good things that Christianity has done for the world through nursing and charity work in countries like Africa and providing shelter' food and care for children orphaned by war.


I on the other hand regard myself as being luckier than you for the simple reason I see the whole picture... the good as well as the bad instead of choosing to think "I hate religion therefore in my mind it's gotta be all bad and every bad thing that men do is all because of religion"


That's what's called stunting of the brain or depriving yourself of larger intellectual thought.


Using people such as Hitler to justify the condemnation of religion is just plain silly


BTW Hitler never attended a damned church in his life after he ran away from home. And more than likely never did so while at home. He may have thought of himself as a Catholic but by the same token I could think of myself as a rocket scientist and write a rubbish book stating that I am and my mission is to kill all aliens out in space because they're evil and inferior to my kind of people

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