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Should convicted rioters be evicted from their council homes?  

95 members have voted

  1. 1. Should convicted rioters be evicted from their council homes?

    • Yes
    • No

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The(brilliant) idea any convicted rioters having benefits stopped and getting evicted from their council houses is being floated around, and there has been an an E petition since last thursday, which actually crashed due to the shear amount of people attempting to access the site at once http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/8d396a2c-c406-11e0-b302-00144feabdc0.html#axzz1UjMkqi6r


If you have a strong opinion either way on this then you must take part in the petition as and when its back up and running.

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On first thought I like the idea, but what are the implications and repercussions?


Where will they go? The streets?


Will education, welfare, etc be hindered?


Will it just make things worse? So, should the punishments be severe but not include that?


But at the end of the day I believe it will be down to each individual council to decide for themselves and even though they have to fall in line with their party's policy.

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On first thought I like the idea, but what are the implications and repercussions?


Where will they go? The streets?


Will education, welfare, etc be hindered?


Will it just make things worse? So, should the punishments be severe but not include that?


But at the end of the day I believe it will be down to each individual council to decide for themselves and even though they have to fall in line with their party's policy.


Getting evicted from their council house will, in the short term, cause massive upheaval in their lives, they'll panic, they'll wonder wonder what the hell they're going to do, most will probably end up in freinds and relatives houses, but eventually their freinds and relatives will want them out, so they'll be an impetus for them to find work to be able to privatley rent a place of their own somewhere.


This will maybe, just maybe, make these people grow up.

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Getting evicted from their council house will, in the short term, cause massive upheaval in their lives, they'll panic, they'll wonder wonder what the hell they're going to do, most will probably end up in freinds and relatives houses, but eventually their freinds and relatives will want them out, so they'll be an impetus for them to find work to be able to privatley rent a place of their own somewhere.


This will maybe, just maybe, make these people grow up.


In theory yes, but being of no fixed abode could also allow them to be more lawless, less employable, turning to crime more because they have less and are in a state of despair.


IMHO it would be better to metre out lengthy community service orders and fines. Make them too tired to rob and too broke to do anything, whilst instilling regular early hours and a good work ethic by trained rehabilitation managers.


if you want to start a e-petition to bring back the stocks and put supermarket waste to good use, I will 100% back it. Name and shame the <removed>!!!

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