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Sign the E petitition for benefit cuts for rioters.

Should convicted rioters be evicted from their council homes?  

95 members have voted

  1. 1. Should convicted rioters be evicted from their council homes?

    • Yes
    • No

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Err no.. as I've pointed out more than once.. the rent paid more than covers this! Something you deliberately keep ignoring.


Fine, sell the current housing stock at market rates then use the cumulative rent to buy new housing stock at market rates. That way the taxpayer gets their money back and the council dwellers can genuinely be subsidy free and pay their own way.

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Fine, sell the current housing stock at market rates then use the cumulative rent to buy new housing stock at market rates. That way the taxpayer gets their money back and the council dwellers can genuinely be subsidy free and pay their own way.


hehe.. you're one of those 'last word people' aren't you :hihi:

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The(brilliant) idea any convicted rioters having benefits stopped and getting evicted from their council houses is being floated around


What do you suggest doing to those (many) convicted rioters who are working and live in private accommodation? :confused:


John X

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The(brilliant) idea any convicted rioters having benefits stopped and getting evicted from their council houses is being floated around, and there has been an an E petition since last thursday, which actually crashed due to the shear amount of people attempting to access the site at once http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/8d396a2c-c406-11e0-b302-00144feabdc0.html#axzz1UjMkqi6r


If you have a strong opinion either way on this then you must take part in the petition as and when its back up and running.


we could try this= they get caught. they go to court. they get convicted. they do their time. then they get the same treatment any other excon gets.

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Wouldn't evicting people from their homes and cutting their benefits actually increase their tendency to riot?





As to my earlier post, they should be fined and given community service 6 days a week for 6 months. Instil into them a good regular work ethic whilst making their too tired to cause trouble and not enough money to go out...


Change their mindset, make sure the 'harsh' community service manager tells them, just think you could have earned £50 for what you've done today, £300 for this week...

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As to my earlier post, they should be fined and given community service 6 days a week for 6 months. Instil into them a good regular work ethic whilst making their too tired to cause trouble and not enough money to go out...


Change their mindset, make sure the 'harsh' community service manager tells them, just think you could have earned £50 for what you've done today, £300 for this week...


Sensible policies for a happier Britain. Well said that man.

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Wouldn't evicting people from their homes and cutting their benefits actually increase their tendency to riot?


Yeah i'm struggling to see the logic in putting loads of people who like to riot in the streets onto the streets.


Just what will these criminals turn to?

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The government already took their chance of getting an education, a property, a family or a decent job. They're rioting because they feel they have nothing else left to lose & there is no other way for them to be heard.


So, yes, this sounds like a great idea, if you want to cause a civil war.

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We'll have to think of something else for those people, but we need stop sustaining filth with taxpayers money.


So basically what we see here is that you don't actually have so much of a problem with people rioting as you do with them being poor! :suspect:


Be honest! :hihi:


John X

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