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Aren't Patents a Great Idea?

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Apple has successfully obtained an injunction against the sale of the Samsung tablet computer in the EU, citing its existing tablet patent.


You need to check the link to see just how generic the patent is.


This method of protecting IP is corrupt, ramshackle and no longer fit for purpose. It's one of many like that, but this example is especially egregious.

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Apple has successfully obtained an injunction against the sale of the Samsung tablet computer in the EU, citing its existing tablet patent.


You need to check the link to see just how generic the patent is.


This method of protecting IP is corrupt, ramshackle and no longer fit for purpose. It's one of many like that, but this example is especially egregious.


correctly applied patents are the best method of protecting certain classes of IP.

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I'd like to think if I invented something beneficial to man, I could share it for free, is that not reward enough?


i'm not really sure that the ipad or any other ithingy is beneficial to man or woman.


and while it's nice to share, it doesn't necessarily put food on the table, a roof over your head or clothes on your bits.

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Patents last for too long & as a result that hurts innovation. There are no 'one man genius inventors' everything builds on what has gone before. Most patents that are enforced are held by huge corporations that probably bought half of them off another corporation & use them to fight their competitors.


Patents hurt everybody except the big multi-nationals who use them to oppress everybody else. Nobody except big business can afford to invent anything now, because they'll be sued by some mega corp that got some really generic patent passed on a simple idea or business model 15 years ago. It's all totally corrupt. Copyrights too.

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I'd like to think if I invented something beneficial to man, I could share it for free, is that not reward enough?


Except you can't, because your invention is probably already covered by somebody else's generic patent on something that they never invented. So you'll have to collect royalties for them.

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