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Well Cameron, this is what you said

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Same old same crap, election promises forgotten, banter back and forth about who is crap at what and how they promise to do better than the current party.


The country is not even run anymore, it's just half arsed reactions to events that then become political bullets aimed at the other party, it's ridiculous.


Why bother with a form of government that quite frankly talks rubbish and has less life in it than my dead dog.


Please for the love of pete vote all 3 major parties out and at least give someone else a chance to run the country....even the raving loonies lol.


This country has deep problems and all the point scoring is just leaving it unchecked. Seriously i am thinking of doing a ron paul here in the uk and giving out some home truths about society!

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He made an excellent speech in parliament yesterday about the situation and how he will be bringing in people from the areas affected to suggest solutions rather than academics in Whitehall.

How many critics actually listened to his and Ed Millibands speeches I wonder.


In other words he is admitting that he absolutely has no idea our to run the country and it's not the first time he has done this either. Why is it everyone elses' fault but his own?

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In other words he is admitting that he absolutely has no idea our to run the country and it's not the first time he has done this either. Why is it everyone elses' fault but his own?

I try to look on the positive side of how the country can be improved by what he said rather than criticise.

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when you cut the police force/fire services /nhs and the rest what do you expect ? and when normal people see the rich companies and the rich getting away with paying as little as tax as possible what do you expect ? the people of this country have had enough of being downtrodden its about time the tide turned


Everyone who understood the Tories knew what would happen once they got back into office.


I'm afraid there will be far more riots in the coming months and years. We saw it in the 80s and it will happen again.


The frightening thing is that Cameron hasn't got the slightest idea of the damage he is doing to the country.

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In Wednesday's letters in the Guardian, Sion Jones, of Swansea, wrote:


"The rioters are only doing to the high street what the bankers did to the country. Unlike the bankers, the rioters will no doubt be held to account."



Just about sums things up!

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Everyone who understood the Tories knew what would happen once they got back into office.


I'm afraid there will be far more riots in the coming months and years. We saw it in the 80s and it will happen again.


The frightening thing is that Cameron hasn't got the slightest idea of the damage he is doing to the country.


When I was growing up as a kid, my parents taught me to always be grateful for things like running water, food and a roof over my head, because some people in the world don't or barely have those things.


The people rioting have those things, but they went on the rampage so they could get the latest iPad or smartphone, and another pair of the best Nike trainers.


It has sod all to do with spending cuts.

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Another thing he said (referring to coulson) was "everybody deserves a second chance" - apparently that doesn't apply to everyone after all, given his reaction to the riots.


Unless Cameron is suggesting they be barred from any future employment, your post makes no sense.

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When I was growing up as a kid, my parents taught me to always be grateful for things like running water, food and a roof over my head, because some people in the world don't or barely have those things.


The people rioting have those things, but they went on the rampage so they could get the latest iPad or smartphone, and another pair of the best Nike trainers.


It has sod all to do with spending cuts.


What is it to do with then. You think this is a simply a crisis of law and order? That is just as wishy-washy as lefty-liberal attempts to rationalise everything.


The truth about all this is that it's a crisis of many aspects of society: socio-economic, law & order, morality, families, education. It's about a dysfunctional elite and dysfunctional lower classes. It's not something the Tories can just bang the lid on and walk away from, because socio-economic pressures (if they are partly responsible as seems likely) will not go away. In fact they the pressures will increase.


It's time for all parties to work together to understand this.

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