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Iran offers to send peace keepers to violent UK

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Commander of Iran's Basij Force says it is ready to deploy peacekeeper forces in London as the unrest in the British capital drags on despite tightened security measures.


“The Ashura brigades of Basij forces are ready to be deployed to London as peacekeeping forces,” Brigadier General Mohammad-Reza Naqdi said on Thursday, Fars news agency reported.


Naqdi criticized the British authorities for their harsh crackdown of protesters and describing them as rioters and hooligans.


I think that's jolly nice of them. Perhaps they could help the rioters achieve peace through Islam.

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Weren't several people killed the last time there was social unrest in Iran just a few months ago?


There were people on the streets chanting for people to overthrow the government, a little bit more serious than what's going on here.


Methinks they should clear up their own house before looking at ours.


In any case, this is obviously just a propaganda move anyway.

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This is surely a farcical report, not even a valid one...


Naqdi referred to UK Prince Williams' lavish wedding and the high cost of its live coverage and described the recent uprisings in Britain as the result of “big mistakes” by British officials and warned them of even more severe consequences.


“This is the beginning if the road and the UK regime has to pay the price for the massacres in Africa, wars and bloodshed in the Indian peninsula, crimes in China, the fall of the Ottoman Empire and bloody conflicts among Muslims and followers of other faiths,” the brigadier noted.



That site is too funny!

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I noticed that splashed across their "press" reports the other day they used stock photographs of the student protests, when thousands turned up, for dramatic effect.




Perhaps we should call their bluff, and allow half a dozen "advisors" to visit. That should be good for a laugh.

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It is a real service! Well sort of:


Press TV is state-funded[15] and is a division of the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB).


The annual budget of Press TV is 250 billion rials (more than 25 million US dollars).[16]


Press TV broadcasts news reports and analyses which are close to the official position of the Iranian government, and its programmes are monitored and regulated by the Islamic Republic.[17][18] Although there have been attempts to establish private, independent media outlets in Iran, notably by former Iranian Presidential candidate Mehdi Karroubi, the 1979 Constitution of the Islamic Republic mandates that "all broadcasting must exclusively be government-operated."[19]

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