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The type of man who for women, are a shoulder to cry on

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What do you think of the type of man who only has platonic female friends?


This is the type of man for whom women will use as a shoulder to cry on when they may have had a bad time with there partner, or been treat badly.


This is the type of man who you can discuss your problems with, you can tell this man anything and you know full well anything you say will stay with him.


This is the type of man for whom you can go to for advice on anything, you can socialise with him safe in the knowledge that he will never try it on with you.


This is the type of man who you can introduce you your mother - and she will love him, the type of man who you can introduce to your female friends and they too will treat him like one of the girls.


He drinks cocktails, never swears, never gets into any sort of trouble and is the ultimate metrosexual


This is the type of man who is always single.


So what do you think of this type of man, is he good or in a way do you feel sorry for him?

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