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David starky upper class twit

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I watched this earlier. He does sound right on the button with what most of what he was saying. Unfortunately the producers had set him up with other argumentative guests who were determined to argue with his points and take offence rather than actually understanding what he was really conveying with his theory.

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Whether you like the guy or not, think he's an upper class twit or not, think he's racist or not, what he's saying is pretty much on the money. Where do you think the term wigger came from?

I see it so often at the school where I work.....white 'working class' mainly boys (but it can be girls aswell) whose only influences in their lives come from the teenage invented gang culture based on what they believe gang culture to be like in the US and the Carribean. Unfortunately the parents of these kids are so weak, non existant or lacking in an understanding of what's required to be a successful parent that this dangerous, cancerous culture is allowed to proliferate until society has to step in many years down the line usually when it's too late for some kid who's been murdered or a whole community has been looted and burned down.

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I like David Starkey and his faux pomposity, he reminds me of Brian Sewell another who cares little about public opinion of him but I think the mistake Starkey makes here is to use the term "black" as all encompassing.


Whites have not become black, some whites, have mirrored the behaviour of chavvish blacks. The behaviour we saw on the streets of London was indicative of that rather than black culture..it has to be because it's totally alien to the black culture I've ever seen or been a part of.


He also said if you turned off the volume when listening to David Lammy you could be forgiven for thinking he was white. Well what's his point? David Lammy was born and educated here, he doesn't have to sound "black" just because he is..whatever being black sounds like.

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I watched this earlier. He does sound right on the button with what most of what he was saying. Unfortunately the producers had set him up with other argumentative guests who were determined to argue with his points and take offence rather than actually understanding what he was really conveying with his theory.


I've been a fan of David Starkeys for many years. He says what he thinks and doesn't give two hoots wether anyone agrees with him or not.


The other two people were a disgrace. Shouting him down before he could finish any sentence. And two to one!!! How fair is that?

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