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Where will the evicted people go??

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It's an idiotic knee jerk reaction. How is it going to help?


Pathetic revenge gesture not even worthy of a child's response.


Presumably it's supposed to act as a deterrent the next time someone thinks about popping out to loot Dixons...

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I know the general answer will be 'Don't give a ****', but all these people who's been rioting up and down the country have been (rightly) threatened with eviction from their council houses.


But where will they go? Can they throw the Human Rights card in?


It wont happen its a bluff and a titbit for the right wingers

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I personally don't have much sympathy for the bankers, but these things are slightly different, for starters most bankers didn't do anything wrong. Politicians on the other hand dip their hand in the till... But neither went out and maliciously destroyed and looted...


Most bankers did wrong and still do-its in their training and raison d'etre.

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How many MPs were in council housing?


Are you proposing that different punishments exist for people in council housing compared to homeowners? That would mean that an incentive for owning your home would be that you could commit more crime.


I wonder whether some of the people would even be found intentionally homeless if they were evicted and approached their local council. You can be homeless intentionally if you commit a deliberate act which you knew or should have known would lead to you losing your home. Since there's no precedent for people involved in rioting losing their homes as a result, a good solicitor may be able to argue that there was no reason to believe that they would be evicted as a result and are therefore not homeless intentionally.

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Yes, clearly. Nobody is talking about evicting the rioters if they own their own home, they're talking about evicting the rioters who live in council housing.

Did it take you 6 pages to figure that out?


Wrong, I've been talking about evicting homeowners and repossessing their property which can then be sold off by the governemnt. Fair's fair

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So you're talking about some make believe you've just pulled out of your backside. The rest of the thread is talking about the reality of council tenants being evicted if they were involved in the riots.


My answer to TeaFan still stands, I'm not proposing different punishments, they already exist and with the exception of you we've been talking about them for 6 pages.

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