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Where will the evicted people go??

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Mr Cameron says

"Obviously [creating deeper poverty for those affected] will mean they have to be housed somewhere else and they will have to find housing in the private sector and that will be tougher for them. But they should have thought about that before they started burgling".


Didn't have much to say about bankers gambling with other people's money, or MP's with their noses in the trough and hands in the till.

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It wont' happen.


The councils said they want it, but you cant make a law for a crime after the crime has been committed. Each case would still have to be approved by the courts.


I think it is a good law to bring in to disuade people from behaving in this kind ofmaner in the future, but as for now - they'll stay put, but hopefully get a hiding from their parents.

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Mr Cameron says

"Obviously [creating deeper poverty for those affected] will mean they have to be housed somewhere else and they will have to find housing in the private sector and that will be tougher for them. But they should have thought about that before they started burgling".


Didn't have much to say about bankers gambling with other people's money, or MP's with their noses in the trough and hands in the till.


I personally don't have much sympathy for the bankers, but these things are slightly different, for starters most bankers didn't do anything wrong. Politicians on the other hand dip their hand in the till... But neither went out and maliciously destroyed and looted...

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I know the general answer will be 'Don't give a ****', but all these people who's been rioting up and down the country have been (rightly) threatened with eviction from their council houses.


But where will they go? Can they throw the Human Rights card in?



Put them next door to Cameron. Having to see his ugly sneering face everyday will have them begging for mercy

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It's an idiotic knee jerk reaction. How is it going to help?


Pathetic revenge gesture not even worthy of a child's response.



not really ask the people that lost homes and business!! we have right up north a good few uninhabited scottish islands send them all there for a bit of therapy:P

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It wont' happen.


The councils said they want it, but you cant make a law for a crime after the crime has been committed.


They don't have to. Criminal and anti-social behaviour is already a breach of the tenant's agreement - in, as far as I know, every single council in the country.

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The very idea is lunacy of the first degree, are the people and the families of people who took part in this riot that happen to own their own homes going to get eviction and pay cuts thrust upon them too?


Double standards from a bunch of hate filled ignorant tabloid reading numties, it worries me that the people chosen as our leaders lack such depth of thought as to even consider this ridiculous idea.

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