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My first bill and im sure gas it wrong

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hi susanne. they always do get it wrong and over estimate and the same with electric companies. you should challange them about it and tell them you will change suppliers as its far to expensive and you can get it cheaper witch you probably can tell them your not prepared to pay that money, they will have estimated it not from you but previous users let us know how you get no

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npower tried that with me too


took me 18 months to get an acctual bill from them as they then went back to sending me the bills for the old customers despite me regularly calling them, giving the start readings, the current readings and all my details


you really need to keep on at them so you dont end up with a daft bill when they finally sort it, they wouldnt let me pay anything until they had sorted out thier system

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Susan

It sounds as though you are being charged for gas before you moved in, Im supprised you are unable to contact anyone at N power, but you should put your complaint in writing as soon as possible and you could also ask for advise with your local trading standards office. I know it wont be much help to you at the moment but I have a program [http://www.energybillcalculator.co.uk] which would help you keep track of your bills. You mention that you used 5 cubic metres in 27 days this would equate to approx 57 kilowatts times by whatever your high rate is (not more than £4) I would think.

best of luck


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