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Who would suffer most if overseas aid stopped completely?

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Somalia as an example is hindered very much by sanctions.




300 kids a day starving to death?


Zimbabwe starvation?


Sanctions again, they were denied the ability to purchase fertilizer.


Zimbabwe with it's diamond fileds? You've got to ask yourself why the sanctions, how much has MgGabe got stashed away?

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Zimbabwe starvation?


Sanctions again, they were denied the ability to purchase fertilizer.

The white farmers who kept Zimbabwe going making it the breadbasket of Africa didn't do too bad, have you seen the panorama shots of life in the diamond fields, sanctions aren't imposed for fun.

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Originally Posted by chem1st

Zimbabwe starvation?

Sanctions again, they were denied the ability to purchase fertilizer.



Surely its politicians (esp. Robert Mugabe) home-produce it in every speech?


It seems Jeffrey that some people have vision impediments preventing them from seeing the wood for the trees.

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Aid given to poorer countries to help them stay put, otherwise other countries would have to take them in.
But they don't stay put they go ever further backwards due to the aid we give that makes their leaders more greedy.
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The poorest of the poor would suffer the most, as usual.

Halibut, why don't you offer these poor people a roof over their heads ? they would be more than happy to sleep on the floor and eat just bread & butter and drink clean water...i cannot see any excuse for not taking just a few in, better than sleeping in tents and drinking dirty water....so whats your excuse ....you have none as far as I can tell.

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The problems with debates about overseas aid is that its taken as a whole. There's very good causes and causes that bring the very good causes into dispute.


If anyone things providing things like clean drinking water, food and medicine to poor people is a waste of money, well they're cruel. I don't think anyone would deny these things to the poor overseas.


But then there's the other things. The dodgy tyrants the Indians the Limos for some medal festooned buffoon. We just need someone with a bit of common sense to run the affair...

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