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Live Gigs/ Open Mic - Mainly guitar based?


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Can anyone recommend an open mic night or any gigs coming up at the minute? I'm asking for my dad as he's just started playing electric guitar *rock on* and he fancies taking my mum out to see some live music. He's likes a variety of stuff but mainly Thin Lizzy, Rolling Stones etc, but also acoustic classics. Any ideas?

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Get your old man to take mum up to the Sportsman at Walkley on a Tuesday night or Sunday. Good open mic scene, friendly crew. There have been threads about it on here before - if you search under "Can u jam" you might find something, or try "Sheffair", he's one of the guys who runs it.

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Thanks for the mention Mikey!!;) The Tuesday and Friday slots in the D&P are sessions and anyone is welcome to turn up and join in!! Anything goes, folk, rock, pop, blues and a bit of Irish. We would love anyone who plays fiddle, banjo, mandolin, harmonica etc to turn up and give it a whirl. If you fancy just having a sing then we'll also try to play along if we can.......Its definately just a bit of fun, nowt too serious and a cracking pint of Guinness!!


If you want anymore info contact Dave at ootyowl@hotmail.com



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every firday, in rotherham there is a jam night at the Effingham Arms, bradgate Kimberworth. Its a small pub, but great atmosphere.


http://www.effingjam.com or there is nellie folk, wich i think is ever last thirday in the month, and sam with the effingham ,every first thurday in the month they have a accoustic jam night.


The eff is good, trust me.

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