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Is David Starkey Right ?

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Could you do me a favour and tell me what you believe "black culture" is?


Personally I have rose tinted images of god fearing middle aged Jamaican women bustling to church on Sundays in their flowery finest. Old black men slapping dominoes down on the table in the local hostelry and quaffing stout or Irish Moss. Occasionally I might come across genial rastas with an affection for the waccy baccy and soliciting me to "try it and buy it". Universally they all have a love of cricket, and the small islanders tend to have a persecution complex which sometimes manifests itself.


There are t's being dotted and i's being crossed here..black culture isn't an homogeneous entity, too many issues are being confused and described as such.


The pernicious effects of some rap music propagated by black 'artists', but often signed to record companies under white ownership, are being attributed to 'black culture', but making such a simplistic claim is like blaming football hooliganism on 'white culture', I suspect that wouldn't be representative of the type of culture David Starkey might want to be associated with.


Thugs are thugs, it's as simple as that. They choose to engage in anti social behaviour whatever colour they are and aren't driven to do so by Snoop Doggy Dogg any more than the Blades Business Crew are marshalled by Danny Wilson.


I often used to see West Indian funerals at the Baptist church near the bottom of Cemetery Road. The horse drawn hearse in gleaming black, the horses with plumes on their heads, everyone was very respectfully dressed.


Well if that's part of 'black culture', it will do for me.

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It is also worth pointing out that it isn't even all rap - there is non-drug/money/violence rap out there too.


Yes of course, and it is often overlooked due to the gangsta rap that has taken hold amongst the youth.

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Bill Cosby would agree with this Starkey fellow I'm sure, anyhow It's much easier to blame the Yanks for the riots :)


Give the lady a hug... We love America!




A lot of the worst rap either comes from militant countries (often extremist Islamic hotbeds) or from 'ghetto' American districts.


Most mainstream rap is fine, but that is really what many would call pop rap (not that that term is used.)

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Black people have been in this country for centuries, there is no real English or British people we are made up of all sorts of races from Angles Vikings Normans and Celts England has all ways been a multicultural society from Romans to Picks they have all come here in the past leaving there bit of influence on this country, being a big name history man you would have thought he would have thought about the history of this country, I think most of the influence comes from American films and video games they seem to be a big influence on the youth of today, the bad attitude and smarty ares misbehavior can all be seen on American TV, remember there is good and bad in all races,as for the riots I saw as many white faces as brown faces most of them were youths or school kids.

Who were they..Irish Navvies ?

Of course there are real English people,I get sick of hearing this excuse every time a thread concerning racism or assumed racism,comes up ,if what is supposed to be true in Human evolution you may as well say there are no Spanish,Italian,Indians,Germans etc etc because we allegedly hailed from Africa,as in all animals breed long enough and eventually you will raise a "pure" breed with out any sign of a outside influence.Try telling a Scots man he is not a pure Scot because the English invaders for one had their wicked way with the Scot lassies..then run very fast

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Try telling a Scots man he is not a pure Scot because the English invaders for one had their wicked way with the Scot lassies..then run very fast

If a person is claiming to be 'pure bred' and there is history of other people invading his country, then the claim is probably false. There is a possibility that a Scots man could have a family history with English involvement, and if he reacts angrily or not it doesn't make the statement any less true.


Aboriginal Australians are a good example of a 'pure breed' of homo sapien. Contamination with other people is quite new to their evolutionary history.

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He is right, and PC is just an excuse to close down debate. Black culture has had a terrible effect on this country, it needs to be dismissed and children should be raised as British, regardless of their heritage. If they do not want to be British, they should move elsewhere.


Even if your assertion were correct (which, of course I dispute) how would you go about 'dismissing' it?

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Who where they..Irish Navvies ?

Of course there are real English people,I get sick of hearing this excuse every time a thread concerning racism or assumed racism,comes up ,if what is supposed to be true in Human evolution you may as well say there are no Spanish,Italian,Indians,Germans etc etc because we allegedly hailed from Africa,as in all animals breed long enough and eventually you will raise a "pure" breed with out any sign of a outside influence.Try telling a Scots man he is not a pure Scot because the English invaders for one had their wicked way with the Scot lassies..then run very fast

Its true this country is a mix of all sorts, its probably what makes us such a grate country I am part Scottish born in New Zealand with a French origin name
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