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Is David Starkey Right ?

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Most people know who the historian David Starkey is and now he has made some very provocative comments regarding the riots in the UK




Now while i dont completley agree with him, I do think when he said white is now black he meant the growing group of white youths that try to speak with a type of Jamaican patois accent and follow a gang culture portrayed by american rap / pop stars.


I do get what he is trying to say and it does sound a little racist, or are we just too PC


He was being really kack handed, and he did seem to misunderstand what 'black culture' was, as he seemed to percieve it as being unable to speak properly, listen to violent lyrics in music and generally feel that gangs etc are the most appropriate way to live... I think that most people would realise that gangs etc are a part of all cultures, and some people are violent regardless of race or background... It did at times seem that he was straying close to having a point though - as these are the scrubbers who are dragging society down, and who always have for centuries... These days they're not just white, but have black faces too... It's easier to pretend scum like this didn't exist before immigration, but it did - who do you think were originally put on a boat for australia? Who filled the poor houses? The social ancestors of those who were looting last week - oh and pyro Clegg the young arsonist...

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II'm not out to impress. I'm not even making 'claims'. I'm stating the truth. Truth which is common knowledge and likely to by known by yourself if there is any truth in this ...


The truth? Your making a personal claim... You've not substantiated anything!

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Well said mate, as I said earlier its the hiding from the facts because of these ridiculous accusations that lead to a proportion of the problems.


Plus, it's obvious he is not making it up. So why deny it? If it needs looking at it needs looking at. There is a a rise in the UK of a certain attitude that is completely devoid of any respect for other people, and an idolisation of "bling" and material possessions. It's quite clear that this does centre around "black culture", with the gangs and the music that glorifies such greed.


A couple of points around this though. I am not saying that every black person is a greedy, disrespectful, nasty piece of work. We know this is not the case. What I am saying is that there is clearly an attraction within A PROPORTION of the black youth in inner cities that is attracted to the "get rich or die tryin'" lifestyle. This has spilled over into the white kids as David quite rightly pointed out.


And to the comments that it is American culture not black. African American for sure, although also will have influences from gangs in the Caribbean and Africa. But I really don't see many videos on MTV of rednecks driving around in trucks with alloy wheels singing about money. Well, maybe Kid Rock.


After confronting a couple of white youths who had just put some pub windows through in Derbyshire last year, I was gobsmacked to hear them talking with just the accent he was talking about....

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Most people know who the historian David Starkey is and now he has made some very provocative comments regarding the riots in the UK




Now while i dont completley agree with him, I do think when he said white is now black he meant the growing group of white youths that try to speak with a type of Jamaican patois accent and follow a gang culture portrayed by american rap / pop stars.


I do get what he is trying to say and it does sound a little racist, or are we just too PC


Spot on mate. :hihi:

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After confronting a couple of white youths who had just put some pub windows through in Derbyshire last year, I was gobsmacked to hear them talking with just the accent he was talking about....


You mean the sort of kids that Sasha Baron Cohen was taking the mick out of with Ali G... Shame that those losers didn't shrivel up in shame at a character on the TV hitting the nail on the head as far as they were concerned...

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The truth? Your making a personal claim... You've not substantiated anything!

I didn't make any personal claims but since you like to dispute everything ......




However you can't deny a lot of rap music promotes crime! :rolleyes:

As you've claimed "Guess what, i've also listened to rap music most my life!" it's odd that you choose to focus on the only the negative :suspect:



Since you know what you're talking about here are a couple of easy questions ..


Quick comments of aghast from all, same for Streets, but nah he's different...

I notice you mention The Streets. Which other white rappers can you name? Let's not bother with Vanilla Ice or Goldie Looking Chain but serious white rappers. This should be easy for you since, as you stated, "Guess what, i've also listened to rap music most my life!"


A lot of the worst rap either comes from militant countries (often extremist Islamic hotbeds) or from 'ghetto' American districts.

My bold.

Please tell us which countries you are referring to above?

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He is right, and PC is just an excuse to close down debate.


That is only the case if your idea of 'closing down a debate' is having a view different from your own. This seems to be the new definition put on censorship by a lot of right wingers. The more accepted definition of closing down debate is things like arresting journalists and making political opponents disapear.


We have a right wing government and a mostly right wing media. Starkey's comments continue to be freely re-broadcast and printed. There is no chance of him being arrested or 'disapeared' for what he said. In view of such facts, the constant references to 'closing down debate' would seem to be merely the whinging of people who can't accept the fact that a lot of people find their views - at best - distasteful.


If you actually saw the debate in question, you would have noticed that it was in fact Starkey who wasn't keen on allowing others their opinions. He refused to allow anyone else to get a word in edgeways by boorishly shouting them down and ranting throughout almost the entire 'discussion'.

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I didn't make any personal claims but since you like to dispute everything ......


Here's one you made...


The vast majority does not.





Why do you think I should start listing names of rappers?




As I said, the vast majority does not. This is based on knowlegde of the music, not watching some mediocre TV programme.


Yet you still think your personal listening habits are superior to those who actually work in the industry! Your hilarious!

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