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Wetherspoons price increases

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spoons is an ideal meeting place for an early one ! before the 11am usual opening hours else where, the town centre spoons are certainly not my cup of tea, have yet to try the Sheaf Island, but it does tick a few boxes.


Rotherham has 3 spoons in the centre! avoid Rhinos !! chav central!


With pubs like the Sheaf View and Blake Hotel serving good real ale at £2 a pint the £1.80 in spoons does not reflect such great value for money. Spoons serve a purpose but not everyones ideal pub.


For God's sake is it too much trouble to type Weatherspoons instead of Spoons, I have never heard anyone call it that. I know it's only knit picking but it gets me when people can't call things by there correct name, its the same with Peaks instead of Crystal Peaks, never mind. I go into The Francis Newton quite rugular and love it, when the weather is nice to sit outside is fantastic. I don't know about the new prices but last week I went into The Swim and paid £1.45 for a pint of Ruddles, where can you beat that? I, personally think they have got everything just right, city centre are pubs are, city centre pubs but a little out of of town they are a little better. The one up Cambridge Street is just perfect. Good luck to them.

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For God's sake is it too much trouble to type Weatherspoons instead of Spoons, I have never heard anyone call it that. I know it's only knit picking but it gets me when people can't call things by there correct name, its the same with Peaks instead of Crystal Peaks, never mind. I go into The Francis Newton quite rugular and love it, when the weather is nice to sit outside is fantastic. I don't know about the new prices but last week I went into The Swim and paid £1.45 for a pint of Ruddles, where can you beat that? I, personally think they have got everything just right, city centre are pubs are, city centre pubs but a little out of of town they are a little better. The one up Cambridge Street is just perfect. Good luck to them.


Or "Wetherspoons" even (whilst we're nit-picking ;) ).


Personally I like them, especially as a member of a certain organisation of beer obsessives I get 50p off vouchers for ales :cool:

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For God's sake is it too much trouble to type Weatherspoons instead of Spoons, I have never heard anyone call it that. I know it's only knit picking but it gets me when people can't call things by there correct name, its the same with Peaks instead of Crystal Peaks, never mind. I go into The Francis Newton quite rugular and love it, when the weather is nice to sit outside is fantastic. I don't know about the new prices but last week I went into The Swim and paid £1.45 for a pint of Ruddles, where can you beat that? I, personally think they have got everything just right, city centre are pubs are, city centre pubs but a little out of of town they are a little better. The one up Cambridge Street is just perfect. Good luck to them.


Your easy upset, chill have a beer.

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For God's sake is it too much trouble to type Weatherspoons instead of Spoons, I have never heard anyone call it that. I know it's only knit picking but it gets me when people can't call things by there correct name, its the same with Peaks instead of Crystal Peaks, never mind. I go into The Francis Newton quite rugular and love it, when the weather is nice to sit outside is fantastic. I don't know about the new prices but last week I went into The Swim and paid £1.45 for a pint of Ruddles, where can you beat that? I, personally think they have got everything just right, city centre are pubs are, city centre pubs but a little out of of town they are a little better. The one up Cambridge Street is just perfect. Good luck to them.


I call it 'Spoons :P

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Well it could be £1.00 a pint and I wouldn't go in the place. On one of the few occasions that I have frequented the Cambridge Street one, there was a drug dealer using the gents as his office. :gag:


The one at sheaf island is fantastic.

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For God's sake is it too much trouble to type Weatherspoons instead of Spoons, I have never heard anyone call it that. I know it's only knit picking but it gets me when people can't call things by there correct name, its the same with Peaks instead of Crystal Peaks, never mind. I go into The Francis Newton quite rugular and love it, when the weather is nice to sit outside is fantastic. I don't know about the new prices but last week I went into The Swim and paid £1.45 for a pint of Ruddles, where can you beat that? I, personally think they have got everything just right, city centre are pubs are, city centre pubs but a little out of of town they are a little better. The one up Cambridge Street is just perfect. Good luck to them.


Hope your not an electrician then?

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For God's sake is it too much trouble to type Weatherspoons instead of Spoons, I have never heard anyone call it that. I know it's only knit picking but it gets me when people can't call things by there correct name, its the same with Peaks instead of Crystal Peaks, never mind. I go into The Francis Newton quite rugular and love it, when the weather is nice to sit outside is fantastic. I don't know about the new prices but last week I went into The Swim and paid £1.45 for a pint of Ruddles, where can you beat that? I, personally think they have got everything just right, city centre are pubs are, city centre pubs but a little out of of town they are a little better. The one up Cambridge Street is just perfect. Good luck to them.


I hate it when people don't use the correct name too. Like knit picking instead of nit-picking, rugular instead of regular, there instead of their.


Annoying isn't it.

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For God's sake is it too much trouble to type Weatherspoons instead of Spoons, I have never heard anyone call it that. I know it's only knit picking but it gets me when people can't call things by there correct name, its the same with Peaks instead of Crystal Peaks, never mind. I go into The Francis Newton quite rugular and love it, when the weather is nice to sit outside is fantastic. I don't know about the new prices but last week I went into The Swim and paid £1.45 for a pint of Ruddles, where can you beat that? I, personally think they have got everything just right, city centre are pubs are, city centre pubs but a little out of of town they are a little better. The one up Cambridge Street is just perfect. Good luck to them.


Sorry to nit-pick but isn't it The Swim Inn??

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How have you come to the conclusion that the smoking ban (which has been in place for about 4 years) has had any impact on prices? I wonder if people are ever going to get over the fact that they cant smoke and poison others with second hand smoke any more....


Whether you like it or not the smoking ban is generally agreed to be at least partly behind the decline in pub usage. The British Beer and Pub Association says : "Britain’s pubs are grappling with spiralling costs, sinking sales, fragile consumer confidence and the impact of the smoking ban. These figures show the stark reality of the pub trade today, in contrast to the hype surrounding the myth of “24-hour drinking” and extended pub opening hours. Pub closures at this rate are threatening an important hub of our social fabric and community history. What we need to stop the decline is support from Government and the general public."


I'm a non-smoker but have noticed that very few of my smoking friends go to the pub these days unless it's a sunny warm day so that they can sit outside and have a fag. Since pubs seemed to attract more than their fair share of smokers in the past this must surely be having an ongoing impact on sales, which in turn means the pubs have to charge more for the beer/food meaning that potentially less people are willing to go to the pub.


Personally I never bother with the pub these days because a) so few friends go and b) supermarkets sell great bottled beers for less than half the price you'd pay in a pub. I recently went to a pub in Oxford and paid over £8.00 for two drinks (a beer and a wine).

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