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Do politicans deserve such attitudes?

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When the law makers have become corrupted by envy of the wealthy, the morality of any laws they pass is suspect. The legality of anything possessed relying on these laws would also suspect. Does anything just grow out of corruption? Are the morals of our politician truly good if they spring from the vices of gluttony and greed?


We elect pathetic, opportunist, vulture-like politicians circling as shown in the present feeding frenzy, pretending to give a T*SS when everyone knows its business as usual once the headlines have changed.


How is kicking people out of homes etc...going to improve the "us and them" mindset? No it won't do anything of the sort.


These are just idle threats by careerist, low-life, insincere, "politicians", who will say anything to capitalise on the mood of the moment, the flavor of the month.




From the moment this government came to power it started destroying the fabric of society. It announced cuts in police, probation services, social services, youth services and pronounced itself supremely relaxed about prison even for serious offences like rape. At the same time it has abandoned education spending, tripled tuition fees, and decimated jobs effectively abandoning young people to their fate and their wits and of course the `lucky' ones are being picked up by the entrepreneurial criminal gangs to trade in drugs, stolen goods and violence. It is either that or, if you are really lucky and your parents can afford to subsidise it, a working class internship leading nowhere in some fast food joint.


A hugely unequal society costs as much as one in which equality is valued. More probably as the overheads, including rioting, drunkenness, drugs, poor health, stress fear, alienation, are greater. I'm sure working people would prefer to see the surplus from their efforts going towards establishing the latter via full employment, fully funded health and education, decent local services and old age provision, than towards propping up a tiny super wealthy elite and their political and media hangers on and apologists.

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We've had over 30 years of Thatcherism. Inequality widened under Blair. All the money spent on Iraq could have been spent on this country, and I don't mean bombing it. New Labour were appalling. Blair was only ever bothered about himself, Bush and Murdoch. Brown was an idiot. Cameron is just business as usual. If you want anything better you'll have to emigrate.

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