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Moral collapse

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Yes it was but these would have been brought in whichever government was in office.


Same with the banking bail out. Cameron would have done the same because there was no other choice


Wrong, wholesale banking should have been left to it's own devices, whilst retail banking customers investments should have been saved. Never again should the retail banks be allowed to prop up their wholesale arms.

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Wrong, wholesale banking should have been left to it's own devices, whilst retail banking customers investments should have been saved. Never again should the retail banks be allowed to prop up their wholesale arms.


Would Cameron have done things different?


And if so what would he have done?

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Of course he wouldn't have, but after the event, it's the sensible thing to do, Brown did not see this, Cameron (or more likely his advisers) did.


Sorry don't understand.


Are you saying Cameron would have taken the same action as Brown...and indeed all the other coutries who took this same action?

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Sorry don't understand.


Are you saying Cameron would have taken the same action as Brown...and indeed all the other coutries who took this same action?


Cameron couldn't do anything about the system in place, and had he been in office he would most likely have left it as it was. Now with the benefit of hindsight he recognises that the retail and wholesale arms of our banks need to be split, however Brown didn't.

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Indeed to me that is the embodiment of Conservativism. You don't have to be happy with your lot, it's ok to aspire to do better for yourself and your family, and with hard work you can achieve things regardless of your background.


That's why I can never understand people that have a go at working class Tories, as though wanting to better ones self is a bad thing :loopy:


In other words they teach greed, selfishness/seperatism and the exploitation of other people

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Titanic 99 always ignores any of Labour's plethora of clangers, but at least he's consistent.


As for Cameron, his challenge starts now, and I think that the way the courts are handing rioters and looters leaves much to desire. I personally would have liked to have seen specially trained riot squads deployed, with orders to use whatever force they felt necessary. What is happening now is knee jerk, after the event spin. My preferred action would no doubt have seen some fatalities, but at least they would have been in respect of the looters and rioters.


Theresa May bringing in Rambo type characters from the states isn't the answer. We need a system that frightens the life out of prospective law breakers, the current system treats scroats like these better than it treats the innocent law abiding folk, if a few of the bad guys have to die to achieve peace on our streets, so be it, I won't loose any sleep over them. This Rambo guy is going to be confronted by PC senior police officers with Social Sciences degrees, he will no doubt be well impressed.


Radical that it may seem, but wouldn't it be easier to address some of the inequalities that exist!

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Wasn't it a Labour government that abolished university grants and imposed tuition fees?


I don't know why people still persist with the Labour / Conservative - who's best, who did what etc..


Both parties are as bad as each other, and neither has the best interests of the working class at heart. Now it's all about self-agrandisement and feathering your own nest ready and creating alliances to secure a cushy job when no longer in office.

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