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Moral collapse

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I don't know why people still persist with the Labour / Conservative - who's best, who did what etc..


Both parties are as bad as each other.


My sentiments exactly. The LibDems have made it very clear they are no different either. We will continue to be ruled by self interested spin doctors for as long as people allow the political elite to manipulate them with divide and rule tactics.

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I found a wallet today, it shall be returned to its' rightful owner tomorrow, with all of the £200 that was inside it, and the library card which allowed me to identify the wallet's owner.


However, I can't walk past a bank without thinking I should smash the window in order to provide a local glazier with a job! (However, I don't)

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Excellent article. Obourne hits the nail on the head over the hypocracy of our ''leaders'. It's often the case of monkey see, monkey do

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Indeed to me that is the embodiment of Conservativism. You don't have to be happy with your lot, it's ok to aspire to do better for yourself and your family, and with hard work you can achieve things regardless of your background.

That's why I can never understand people that have a go at working class Tories, as though wanting to better ones self is a bad thing :loopy:


The two most important people in the Tory party are both Eton educated blue bloods. Who in the Tory cabinet has worked their way up from a working class background? They have all come up from rich families, via public schools and university courses almost exclusively reserved for a wealthy elite. You should trust the evidence that is in front of your eyes, over such banal propaganda and hollow sloganeering.

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I seem to recall that good old maggie came from a working class background and she was so well liked wasn't she....


It seems to me that the tories will never please some people no matter what their background, polices, or views.


Some people are just born with a socialist brainwash and will never ever move on from it.

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I seem to recall that good old maggie came from a working class background and she was so well liked wasn't she....


It seems to me that the tories will never please some people no matter what their background, polices, or views.


Some people are just born with a socialist brainwash and will never ever move on from it.


And what about people who are born with a tory brainwash and never move on from it?


What about people who are born into a workingclass background but think they're better than anyone else and try to erase their early days from public scrutiny? e.g. Seb Coe ... a peer?

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