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Moral collapse

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I seem to recall that good old maggie came from a working class background and she was so well liked wasn't she....


It seems to me that the tories will never please some people no matter what their background, polices, or views.


Some people are just born with a socialist brainwash and will never ever move on from it.


She wouldn't have recognised herself as working class, and as her father was the owner of 2 shops neither would most modern definitions.

Although years later when leader of the Tory party, bercause it was thought advantageous she allowed the myth to be spun by her spin doctors that she was really just an ordinary housewife running the country in between getting the kids tea on. And the press lapped it up.

The truth of course in much more interesting - she married a multi millionaire and whilst professed a hatred of feminism was quick to flutter her eyelashes to get her way.

Maggy Thatcher is often painted as the great revolutionary, sweeping away old class distinctions - but as Anna B above has mentioned social mobility in the 1980s and beyond has slowed, even gone ito decline. Sure she sold off council houses to those that wanted to buy them, but the effect of making homeowners out of tenants was secondary to the hope that homeowners are more likely to vote Tory and less likely to go on strike.

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Like about how he was building up a massive deficit, or how he sold a load of the nations gold at the bottom of the market?


How dare our free press report such things.


Probably best to read a post properly before you reply to it.


This is a common feature of your posts. You always get hold of the wrong end of the stick.

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And lets not forget the help they got from the right wing press, Mail/Sun/Express/Times/Telegraph' who were making up stories on a daily basis about Gordon Brown.


Like about how he was building up a massive deficit, or how he sold a load of the nations gold at the bottom of the market?


How dare our free press report such things.


Probably best to read a post properly before you reply to it.


This is a common feature of your posts. You always get hold of the wrong end of the stick.


My bold.


So did the right wing press make it up about Gordon Brown running up a massive deficit?


Did they make it up about Gordon Brown selling the nations gold at the bottom of the market?


Just a simple yes or no will suffice.



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My bold.


So did the right wing press make it up about Gordon Brown running up a massive deficit?


Did they make it up about Gordon Brown selling the nations gold at the bottom of the market?


Just a simple yes or no will suffice.




Oh dear still attacking GB I see!


Anyway we've had your lot for over a year now, where's that economic growth you promised us all.


Oops silly me, I forgot about the Snow, Royal Weddings and Resistent headwind!

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She wouldn't have recognised herself as working class, and as her father was the owner of 2 shops neither would most modern definitions.

Although years later when leader of the Tory party, bercause it was thought advantageous she allowed the myth to be spun by her spin doctors that she was really just an ordinary housewife running the country in between getting the kids tea on. And the press lapped it up.

The truth of course in much more interesting - she married a multi millionaire and whilst professed a hatred of feminism was quick to flutter her eyelashes to get her way.

Maggy Thatcher is often painted as the great revolutionary, sweeping away old class distinctions - but as Anna B above has mentioned social mobility in the 1980s and beyond has slowed, even gone ito decline. Sure she sold off council houses to those that wanted to buy them, but the effect of making homeowners out of tenants was secondary to the hope that homeowners are more likely to vote Tory and less likely to go on strike.


The interesting thing is Maggie was dispised and ridiculed by her own party for being so bourgois and lower middle class.


'The shopkeeper's daughter' was meant as a term of derision, not affection, by the snobbish mandarins and ministers in her cabinet - indeed, someone who had 'to buy their own furniture' and used fishknives.


I think that tells you all you need to know about the Tories and the contempt they have for those of a 'lower station' than them, ie. everybody else.

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And what about people who are born with a tory brainwash and never move on from it?


What about people who are born into a workingclass background but think they're better than anyone else and try to erase their early days from public scrutiny? e.g. Seb Coe ... a peer?

Lord leftie Prescott even!
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Difficult to see the Labour Party as a left wing party after Tory Blair really, I find it almost ridiculous that anyone capable of thinking for themselves would wave the flag for either party when they clearly are not representative of most of the people they are supposed to represent.

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My bold.


So did the right wing press make it up about Gordon Brown running up a massive deficit?


Did they make it up about Gordon Brown selling the nations gold at the bottom of the market?


Just a simple yes or no will suffice.




The banks were saved to proctect people's savings. Other countries did the same and if Cameron had been PM he would also have done the same.


How many times do you need to be told this before you can understand it?

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The banks were saved to proctect people's savings. Other countries did the same and if Cameron had been PM he would also have done the same.


How many times do you need to be told this before you can understand it?


The deficit was built up before any bank bailouts and during an economic boom, how many times does that need explaining?


Note the date on this Money Week article. It's also worth a read.



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She wouldn't have recognised herself as working class, and as her father was the owner of 2 shops neither would most modern definitions.

Although years later when leader of the Tory party, bercause it was thought advantageous she allowed the myth to be spun by her spin doctors that she was really just an ordinary housewife running the country in between getting the kids tea on. And the press lapped it up.

The truth of course in much more interesting - she married a multi millionaire and whilst professed a hatred of feminism was quick to flutter her eyelashes to get her way.

Maggy Thatcher is often painted as the great revolutionary, sweeping away old class distinctions - but as Anna B above has mentioned social mobility in the 1980s and beyond has slowed, even gone ito decline. Sure she sold off council houses to those that wanted to buy them, but the effect of making homeowners out of tenants was secondary to the hope that homeowners are more likely to vote Tory and less likely to go on strike.


:roll: I know it scotches your class struggle myth, but Maggie, Norman Tebbit and John Major etc are from working class backgrounds, they didn't have the priveliged start in life like Wedgwood Benn :hihi:

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