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Moral collapse

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In the early days of Immigration into this country after WW2 it was all about assimilation, but guess what? Labour considered this immoral and discouraged it, people started coming over in droves and bringing their cultures with them, and as we see today with things like female genital mutilation amongst Africans and Honour killings and forced/arranged marriages in the Asian comunities, the immigrants have been bringing their problems here too; there are people that have lived here for years and can barely speak a word of English.

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Our new god is capitalism. We are driven to consume so that profit can be made by the greedy bosses who own most of the wealth. I bet you hardly notice the daily barrage of adverts tempting you to buy. Why should you, you are conditioned now. You grew up with them. They are your 'friends'.


The 'moral' in our society is 'wealth'. It is what people aspire to. It is perfectly acceptable for people to make vast fortunes because we live in a 'free market economy' and wealth is supposed to 'trickle down' from the Uber rich to the rest of us.


Conversely, I don't hear of people starving these days and even the druggies down the hostel seem to be able to afford their fags and lager. My ex hasn't worked in years and can afford to smoke 40 fags a day although she has had to sacrifice her 'Silk Cut' for 'Mayfair'.

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In the early days of Immigration into this country after WW2 it was all about assimilation, but guess what? Labour considered this immoral and discouraged it, people started coming over in droves and bringing their cultures with them,.


I would guess that most of us weren’t around just after the war so could you quote how labour discouraged assimilation.

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According to Cameron there's been a morale collapse in society. i think he's got a point - you see evidence every day, not just manifesting itself in riots, but also through much small acts of inviduals from all sectors of society.


Here's my own list of things that have contributed this to a larger or small extent (in no particular order and not exhaustive):


- the rise of consumerism, with the need to aquire that latest must have product

- the lack of social housing, caused by Right to Buy policies, leading the further ghetoisation of lower income families

- the availability of easy credit, which Thatcher brought about ,leading to debt and the misery it causes

- the rising presence of alcohol in society

- the obsession with private propery, shown most typically with the obsession with house prices

- the deindustrialisation of the 1980s, which virtually ended apprenticeships in heavy industry and reduced opportunities for young men who didn't have an academic outlook (you were too knackered to riot when you'd done an 8 hour shift at the pit!)

- the obsession with celebrity - "oh, i must have what they have/look like them"

- the rise of the compensation culture, which was given life by Thatcher's reforms of the legal profession. This has given rise to the I want what's mine attitude

- the fall is standards in public life, typified by MPs and journalists


The problem that I have with Cameron is that he seems to be trying to move the agenda onto gangs and criminality,but this goes much deeper. He needs to take a long hard look at what governments have done since the 1980s, and in particular what his beloved Thatcher unleashed, and try and unpick some of that damage. For me, the sad thing is that Labour had 13 years to make a difference, but just continued with the individualistic, consumeristic agenda that the Tories had begun. We reap what we sow.


Funny that most, if not all, of the points you/cameron listed were initiated under the tories.

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PEOPLE chose to live their lives how they want.


No they don't, I can't think of anyone who has chosen to be poor. There's a saying which is "Life is what YOU make it." It's utter rubbish. "Life is what OTHER PEOPLE let you make it." If it was left to the individual we'd all be multiple millionaires or whatever, within the type of society in which we live. If everyone was a multimillionaire they'd be no point in being one.

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Instead of looking back and arguing about which party is to blame for what ills David Cameron is analysing the causes of the problems and attempting to find and implement solutions.


David Cameron has a team of advisors who assess the mood of 'his' people and then provide a range of options as to which line to take from somewhere between sympathising with rioters to having them hung.


He will have his souondbytes prepared for him and his 'message' to the people rehearsed for him. Off he then goes to talk about his solution. These days politics is all 'fake tan'.

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