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Moral collapse

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David Cameron has a team of advisors who assess the mood of 'his' people and then provide a range of options as to which line to take from somewhere between sympathising with rioters to having them hung.


He will have his souondbytes prepared for him and his 'message' to the people rehearsed for him. Off he then goes to talk about his solution. These days politics is all 'fake tan'.

Do you really think I thought he wrote his own speeches and individually decided what actions to take ?

The leader of a party is the one who can present their ideas etc. best.

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No mention of Blair and the 13 years of Labour in the OP's analysis. Amazing.


It is Labours social policies that have done so much cultural damage to this country, I really dont know where to start.


If you read my OP again you'll see that I said that the sad thing is that Labour continued what the Tories started. Blair and Brown carry the responsibility for this - for instance, Blair 'relaxed' the laws on alcohol.

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Most of the things in bold have nothing to do with the government. PEOPLE chose to live their lives how they want.


The rise in consumerism is our choice. WE demand cheap cheap goods that simply cant be made within UK PLC for the same price. That's why foreign markets won. Do you really think UK made clothing could really be sold for £2 for a t-shirt or £30 for a suit al' a Primark? How about a UK made car for the price of a Kia? Do you have a uk made tv in your house?


How about the right to buy. I bet all those people (including my own family) who got a chance to get ownership of their own house arn't complaining. Nor will their next of kin who get an nice inheritance to possibly allow them a chance to get their own house.


Nor the people who are chosing getting into debt when they are spend spend spend in the shops.....dont tell me its all on essentials.


Compensation claims are on the rise because people became more focused on money grabbing than actually using the laws for justice. The laws have always been there. So why no mass demand on compensation claims in the 60s / 70s. Maybe there weren't as many accidents or maybe people just accepted that when things went wrong - that's life. Now people expect the blame to be passed onto someone else and demand they pay.


As for apprenticeships etc. Most people became too snobby to be seen doing industrial/manual jobs. They were far too focused getting into university doing mickey mouse degrees in marketing and david beckham studies. Why? becuase people thought they would use it as a way of walking into a £30k job without any skills or effort.


So..... what part is the government's fault again?


Goverment set the laws by which we live our lives, so by freeing up access to credit, they are basically saying it's Ok to get yourself into debt. By extending licensing laws they are saying, go ahead drink yourself silly. Yes?

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Do you really think I thought he wrote his own speeches and individually decided what actions to take ?

The leader of a party is the one who can present their ideas etc. best.


Are you asking if I really think that you thought that he wrote his own speeches?


Why do you think Peter Mandlesson was Blair's man after getting elected despite his slip-ups and what do you think Alistair Campbell and his 'team' did behind the scenes?


Cameron appointed Andy Coulson to be his Press Person. Are you really that naive?

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Instead of looking back and arguing about which party is to blame for what ills David Cameron is analysing the causes of the problems and attempting to find and implement solutions.


No he's not - he's trying to get control of the headlines, so he can hang onto his job.

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Are you asking if I really think that you thought that he wrote his own speeches?


Why do you think Peter Mandlesson was Blair's man after getting elected despite his slip-ups and what do you think Alistair Campbell and his 'team' did behind the scenes?


Cameron appointed Andy Coulson to be his Press Person. Are you really that naive?

I obviously know that he has a team researching and writing his speeches.

Sorry if I came across as a bit sarcastic.

David Cameron has a massive cloud over his head regarding his appointment of Andy Coulson and needs to come out of this well.

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I obviously know that he has a team researching and writing his speeches.

Sorry if I came across as a bit sarcastic.

David Cameron has a massive cloud over his head regarding his appointment of Andy Coulson and needs to come out of this well.


No need to apologise. Politics is a business. Look at the number of MPs who sit on boards of some sort as advisors or non-executive directors. Want a tax break? Oh well I'll raise it in Parlaiment for you!

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