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Moral collapse

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No need to apologise. Politics is a business. Look at the number of MPs who sit on boards of some sort as advisors or non-executive directors. Want a tax break? Oh well I'll raise it in Parlaiment for you!

If you get a chance read a transcript of todays speech. I think he will be examining many areas which we may not have expected. He realises that the people in high office need to conduct themselves in a way that deserves respect and not ridicule or contempt. He is pushing through a Bill of Rights Act to replace the Human Rights Act and examining the Health and Safety legislation to stop these acts being used wrongly and being ridiculed.

As we both know words come easy but I think we will see changes this time round.

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If you get a chance read a transcript of todays speech. I think he will be examining many areas which we may not have expected. He realises that the people in high office need to conduct themselves in a way that deserves respect and not ridicule or contempt. He is pushing through a Bill of Rights Act to replace the Human Rights Act and examining the Health and Safety legislation to stop these acts being used wrongly and being ridiculed.

As we both know words come easy but I think we will see changes this time round.


I sincerely hope you are right. If Cameron can do something the reverse the decline in personal and public standards he will deserve his place in history. Somehow, I don't thing he is the person to do it - there are so many vested interests in the business world that he'll have to upset.

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Should it even be more like....there is a "Moral Vacuum"? People are clearly "sick"....and also "sick of it" too. Pity that most people buy the CDs, records, etc, but DON'T really listen to the likes of Bono, "NO MORE"...we're sick of it, etc.

Seems to me - on this thread, that Rushton is on the right lines, ie, Just over 18 months ago, newspapers/tv/radio/media we're having to report on UK MPs expenses scandals...because they had been FOUND OUT, with their grubby hands in the till. Then the same country was blindfold and misled into believing that less than half the adult populace in the country had actually, "voted back in a, ahem, "democratic government"! Same shute,different asehole...or words to that effect.

Don't be taken in by lies. Think for yourselves. Take "responsibility" - for goodness sake...for your own lives. Government/schmovernment.

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Oh so its not a load of morons looking for a justification to go looting then. Its all the tories fault.


Oh silly me :roll:


Well since my favourite shop is Selfridges but I cant afford to shop there reguarlly I will just pop along now, smash their windows and steel some gear. When I get arrested I will say it was not me I was just making a statement as its Cameron and Thatchers fault....... hmmmm

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It will be interesting to see what the future holds considering how the reporting of events may change with the News International scenario.

My fear is that all this will fade into insignificance and our problems will come from our involvement in Libya.

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