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What would you do if you accidentally hit a small animal whilst driving?

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My friend accidentally hit a squirrel at Heeley Green the other day. It darted from nowhere, she braked, but when she looked in her rear view mirror it had obviously been hit.


She felt very shaken but carried on, thinking that there was nothing she could do to save it. This is a very public area so no opportunity to do anything such that no-one could overlook what you were doing, although she admits that if it had been a country road she might have turned back. She was worried by the fact that in a public area, she would have been seen as the killer, and couldn't deal with that - not for a squirrel that is owned by no-one, yet is obviously an animal who deserves to be cared about but who she hurt so accidentally.


Would you have:


a) turned back (why? and done what?)


b) carried on in the assumption that it would

i) die naturally or

ii) be run over again by someone who either didn't care or wanted to put it out of its misery.


She's a very caring, animal-loving person, and the whole event has really shaken her.

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I think it totally depends on the place and type of animal you hit. If it was a grey squirrel anywhere I wouldn't go back. They are essentially vermin so I'd leave it to whatever happens to it.


If it was a rabbit I don't think I'd stop either, unless it looked like someones pet.


If it were something bigger like a badger, deer or fox I'd definitely stop and investigate to see if theres anything that could be done. Certainly wouldn't try myself, but I'd be on Google to find a local rescue centre.


Dog/Cat - someones pet, I'd just automatically want to do anything I could after losing one of my own dogs when it was run over and they were just left. :( Horrible.


Thankfully the only thing I've ever hit is a bird that somehow crashed into the windscreen (and the odd fly obviously). There wasn't anything I could do for the bird as I was in the outside lane of the motorway, I seriously doubt it survived anyway, meeting at the speed we did.

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The last animal I accidentally hit was a blackbird. I noticed in my rear view mirror it was thrashing about on the road so I did the only thing I could and reversed back over it.

Prior to that was a cat, It just ran out from in front of a parked car just a few feet in front of me.

I got out to see if I could help it but the rear of it was completely squashed and it was thrashing about on the floor. I reversed over it to put it out of its agony. I cried my eyes out. I then knocked on all the house doors nearby but couldn't find the owner (it had no ID on its collar). In the end, a friendly householder and myself put it in a bin bag and then in a bin. I felt awful for days.

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The last animal I accidentally hit was a blackbird. I noticed in my rear view mirror it was thrashing about on the road so I did the only thing I could and reversed back over it.

Prior to that was a cat, It just ran out from in front of a parked car just a few feet in front of me.

I got out to see if I could help it but the rear of it was completely squashed and it was thrashing about on the floor. I reversed over it to put it out of its agony. I cried my eyes out. I then knocked on all the house doors nearby but couldn't find the owner (it had no ID on its collar). In the end, a friendly householder and myself put it in a bin bag and then in a bin. I felt awful for days.


I hope you never knock me down.

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