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Pushchair safety on buses

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After witnessing a pushchair going over on the bus yesterday (with baby inside) it got me thinking.


There are guidelines on the buses for wheelchair users as to how to position the chair safely, but there are not any for pushchairs. Surely then, the bus company would be liable for carrying these pushchairs without any safety notices?


Apart from anything the pushchair was badly parked and weighted wrong, but surely there should besomethingon thebus or they not be carried at all unfolded?


can't anyone do anything these days without needing a notice to tell them:roll: when i used to use the bus with a pushchair i knew the best way to put it so it didn't fall over and knew not to overload it, i didn't need a sign to tell me this. from working on the buses now i know they can fall whatever though but i don't see why the company should be responsible and aslong as it isn't blocking the isle i'm not going to get out of the cab to tell someone how to position it

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It's the 'compo culture' yet again!


Your pushchair, your baby.


Before you were allowed to have the baby, did you have to go to the bus depot and take a course in how to get pregnant?


If you had a baby without taking that course then can I claim compo from you? (After all, I'm one of the taxpayers/bus users who would eventually have to pay for your claim because you didn't know how to use a pushchair and the bus company didn't tell you and if you couldn't be bothered to do a course in how to have a baby, surely I'm due compo because you couldn't be bothered?)


Does that sound stupid/unreasonable to you?


Is it any more stupid/unreasonable that your assertion that you may be eligible to make a claim againstthe bus company because they didn't explain to you how to work a pushchair?


Can you chew gum?


Can you walk?


Can you do both at the same time?


If not, who is going to pay you compo?

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Oh look an idiot...you dont have children then??? So single mothers who are skint as it is whether working or not working,


He shoots. He scores...


Actually wait a second...that means that while my husband has to go out to work, i have to leave my daughter with a babysitter and go out and do all the shopping on my own. Keeping in mind i dont trust ANYONE with my daughter unless they are family. Then i normally have to take my blind mother in law with me....shut up and stop trolling!!! Simples


And therein lies the problem. Back 'in the day', having kids was a life-changing experience (and usually involved some thought). Babysitters/relatives had to be booked if you wanted to go out and it was a given that life couldn't just carry on as normal.


But now, the rest of the world has to suffer as you carry on in the same old way - in shops, on buses, in pubs, in restaurants etc. etc.


And you know what? It's not your fault! It's everybody else!

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i totaly agree some have them and some don't as i found out the other day, and where do you epect me to put my newborn baby while i fold my pram, on the floor? becausenpeople don't offer to help they just stand and stare at you!!


I remember my mum telling me about getting my twin brothers on a bus (in the 1990s) with no low floor. She got one baby out and handed him to the (very surprised) driver, gave the other one to her friend and folded the very heavy pushchair and squeezed it into the luggage rack. Not easy, but the alternative was taking them and her in a taxi with no child seats. It was almost as bad when they were walking, as she had to get one on and the buggy and then the other. One got left behind once, and the whole bus had to yell at the driver to stop.


I have never tried to fold a pushchair and hold a newborn, you need both hands, so unless you've got a friend with you, you have to put the buggy on the bus with the baby in it. The only alternative is shopping locally and more frequently, and where are the shops?

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He shoots. He scores...




And therein lies the problem. Back 'in the day', having kids was a life-changing experience (and usually involved some thought). Babysitters/relatives had to be booked if you wanted to go out and it was a given that life couldn't just carry on as normal.


But now, the rest of the world has to suffer as you carry on in the same old way - in shops, on buses, in pubs, in restaurants etc. etc.


And you know what? It's not your fault! It's everybody else!


What an Idiot :roll:


I have a 2 year old daughter she was planned but no I don't need to book a babysitter to go to the shops on the bus and only need a babysitter if we go out in the evening.


She never comes to the pub (we rarely go) and I would only take her to a restaurant if it is a special family occasion.


Life isn't going to be the same but it cannot just stop either.

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  • 2 months later...
We know that it can be done and that it was done for many years BUT life has been made easier for parents by providing the buggy area.

Why does it harm anybody if my pram has a sensible amount of shopping on it?

Oh thats right it doesn't but its just something for people to have a moan about :roll:


life wasnt made easier by providing you with a buggy area on buses, its a wheelchair space and area for the disabled/elderly


ive stopped bothering to use buses as pram users often refused to fold thier buggy so i would have to take my daughter out of her wheelchair, put her over my sholder and then fold the wheelchair down all to make someones life as mother of a toddler easier

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