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Pushchair safety on buses

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Do you want a medal?


I have done it on several occasions but lets face it it isn't the easiest of tasks is it.


I don't want a medal, no. Raising my kids to be responsible hardworking adults is reward enough for me thanks. :smile:


I never said it was easy, but we had no choice. It wasn't even an option to take your unfolded buggy on a bus. But we managed. What annoys me most though, is that some children are old enough to be able to get on the bus themselves.



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it would be a lot easier for all concerned if there was a clear and specific way to put 2 pushchairs in the space safely, so that everyone on the bus including the children in the pushchairs are safe.


And yes, folding down a buggy before the bus comes might be a good idea...

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it would be a lot easier for all concerned if there was a clear and specific way to put 2 pushchairs in the space safely, so that everyone on the bus including the children in the pushchairs are safe.


And yes, folding down a buggy before the bus comes might be a good idea...


Whats the point in that if your expecting the wheelchair/buggy space to be free.


I also agree 100% re the first part of your post.

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but we do have a choice, so why put the pushchair down if there is spaces. it does annoy me when children age 2-4yr olds are in pushchairs and i cant get on because thier is no room when ideally they should have a seat or when the pram is empty and child is sat on the seat. BUT my baby is only 7 months old so im not struggling to get him out the pushchair and folding it for someone else to use unless of cause they are in a wheel chair. Might not have time to fold buggy down before bus comes so then again the people on the bus would have to wit for it to be folded down.

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The problem is : most bus driver are reluctant to get out of the cab and tell mothers with pushchairs how to position them correctly because some of the mothers argue with them . There is enough room for two pushchairs on a single decker bus , one in the wheelchair bay and another in the bay opposite if the seats are up . However , a lot of mothers put the fold up seat down for their own use ,leaving the pushchair blocking the aisle . The aisle must be kept clear for people who are unsteady on their legs .

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We know that it can be done and that it was done for many years BUT life has been made easier for parents by providing the buggy area.

Why does it harm anybody if my pram has a sensible amount of shopping on it?

Oh thats right it doesn't but its just something for people to have a moan about :roll:


I may be wrong but aren't they wheelchair areas and not buggy areas and were introduced due to disability discrimination laws not due to someone wanting to make it easier for parents. :)

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The problem is : most bus driver are reluctant to get out of the cab and tell mothers with pushchairs how to position them correctly because some of the mothers argue with them . There is enough room for two pushchairs on a single decker bus , one in the wheelchair bay and another in the bay opposite if the seats are up . However , a lot of mothers put the fold up seat down for their own use ,leaving the pushchair blocking the aisle . The aisle must be kept clear for people who are unsteady on their legs .


my pram would fit in the space without poking out on to the aisle and obstucting it & still be enough room for me to pull a seat out & sit down so why should i stand up and risk falling on to my baby? :confused:


I may be wrong but aren't they wheelchair areas and not buggy areas and were introduced due to disability discrimination laws not due to someone wanting to make it easier for parents. :)


well if thats the case that they are wheelchair areas and not pram areas, why is there no signs pointing out that prams cant use wheelchair areas?

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but we do have a choice, so why put the pushchair down if there is spaces. it does annoy me when children age 2-4yr olds are in pushchairs and i cant get on because thier is no room when ideally they should have a seat or when the pram is empty and child is sat on the seat. BUT my baby is only 7 months old so im not struggling to get him out the pushchair and folding it for someone else to use unless of cause they are in a wheel chair. Might not have time to fold buggy down before bus comes so then again the people on the bus would have to wit for it to be folded down.


Erm the 2-4 thing i want to point out. Have you ever attempted to control a 2 year old on a busy bus when all they want to do is look at shiny new things they havent seen before and run up and down the bus saying hello to everyone, WHILE trying to carry a folded pram onto the bus and whatever bags you have got. I ALWAYS try and move out of the way or fold a pram up when there is younger children but its not always possible especially if my little ones asleep or more than likely going to scream the bus down cause she is tired.

When i see 3 and 4 year olds in pram THAT gets me mad cause theres no excuse whatsoever, the kids are more controllable (not saying easy) and they are more likely to know the rules.


My daughter luckily will be out of her pram in the next few months thank god, i feel awkward and stared at on busses.


I tend to overload my pram a little but my pram is built so that it doesnt topple back unless stupidly overburdened and i never block the gangway.

As for the sitting down on the seat next to the pram...


This is firstly so we can attempt to keep our kids calm and quiet so as not to provide you lot with something else to nag us mothers or fathers about...and secondly why should we stand up, its very difficult to fit two prams in one of those slots on stagecoach busses, and even if we stood up and let someone else sit down, i don't they would like their journey filled with a waffling whinging child that is tired and grouchy and due for a sleep.


I sit down with my child in the part designated for prams and wheelchairs...i have the start of arthuritis in my ankles and feet so i am generally in rather alot of pain when i get on a bus...but i probably would still get dirty looks if people knew that.


I'm fed up of all the hastle parents get with prams...sorry we cant all afford to drive like everyone else...pfft

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The problem is : most bus driver are reluctant to get out of the cab and tell mothers with pushchairs how to position them correctly because some of the mothers argue with them . There is enough room for two pushchairs on a single decker bus , one in the wheelchair bay and another in the bay opposite if the seats are up . However , a lot of mothers put the fold up seat down for their own use ,leaving the pushchair blocking the aisle . The aisle must be kept clear for people who are unsteady on their legs.


There are a number of different models of low-floor single-decker buses, though, Paddy. (as with the double deckers, also)


There are a few which have a generous space either side of the aisle, where my wheelchair and at least one pushchair can be safely carried.


There are others where there is just the one space, that's just about big enough for my chair... Then there are the really poorly designed, cramped buses, which have lots of seats protruding, into the buggy/ chair area, where there is not a lot of space to jiggle the chair through the gap between the seats and the grab-pole by the wheelchair space.

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