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The sooner politicians realise this the better.

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All the rioting is wrong and no amount of excuses will make it right but when people see the greed of people like MPs and bankers getting silly amounts of money for expense claims and bonuses, some people are going to think if it is ok for them then it is ok for me. Especially when we are being told that we have to cut back on things, pay more for pensions, no pay rise for several years and thousands of job cuts. Then we see train fares going up by an average of 8% and gas and electric by about 19% combined.



So much for Osborne's pre-election mantra 'we are all in this together.'


No one believed this except the naive braindead Tory supporters.


What Osborne really meant was you mugs are all in it together.


A five year old could have told us what would happen once the party of the rich got back into office. Incredibly the Tories haven't been able to do all they wanted to do because the Libdems have held them back.


Imagine what would now be happening without Libdems holding them back!


On second thoughts don't...its too frightening.

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All the rioting is wrong and no amount of excuses will make it right but when people see the greed of people like MPs and bankers getting silly amounts of money for expense claims and bonuses, some people are going to think if it is ok for them then it is ok for me. Especially when we are being told that we have to cut back on things, pay more for pensions, no pay rise for several years and thousands of job cuts. Then we see train fares going up by an average of 8% and gas and electric by about 19% combined.


Understand what you mean but I have to disagree. It is never an excuse to do something because others "Are getting away with it" This was found out the hard way by some MP's who thought they could "Get away with it."

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Imagine what would now be happening without Libdems holding them back!


On second thoughts don't...its too frightening.


Your right , the thought of the alternative is frightening ....................... we have just suffered 13 years of Labours mismanagement. The thought of them bungling idiots returning to power is extremely frightening. Very frightening.

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All the rioting is wrong and no amount of excuses will make it right but when people see the greed of people like MPs and bankers getting silly amounts of money for expense claims and bonuses, some people are going to think if it is ok for them then it is ok for me.


Yes I see what you're saying. It's a bit like seeing somebody stealing a sweet from the pick'n'mix counter in a shop. You then think to yourself, if it's ok for them to steal a sweet, it must be ok for me to do an armed robbery of the place.

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Bankers and MPs have to work hard to get their jobs in the first place. They don't sit on there arses and expect things to come to them for free, do they?


I wonder how many people in the banks in the City of London have followed in the family footsteps via a public school education (probably applies to a lot of politicians as well). A lot easier if the signposts and contacts are already in place.

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Yes I see what you're saying. It's a bit like seeing somebody stealing a sweet from the pick'n'mix counter in a shop. You then think to yourself, if it's ok for them to steal a sweet, it must be ok for me to do an armed robbery of the place.
Im not sure what you mean in your post, I presume you mean that the looters are the sweet stealers and the politicians and bankers are the armed robbers ?


If you see the people that are supposed to be at the top of society and leading by example not actually showing a good example, then its fair to say that the only lesson that can be learnt by those below their status is that its ok to do what you want.

If they get caught then its pay it back, if you loose billions then tax money will bail you out while you carry on skimming off the top in bonuses but if someone steals a stereo then its pay back and have your liberty taken. It stinks of the upper class stamping down while they rape and pillage from those people by way of taking the taxes of everyone else and doing with it what they wish.

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Oooo goodie another opertunaty to slag off Cameron!!


"David Cameron, Ed Miliband and the entire British political class came together yesterday to denounce the rioters."


And why not? He thoroughly deserves it, even his own press have turned against him

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What happened to the saying 'let he who is without sin cast the first stone' ?


I say this because Cameron was into loutish behavior when he was in his youth, just so happens he could buy his way out of it and excuse his behavior with his cash.


The Politicians as a whole have been caught with their hands in the honey pot.


The Bankers have had their fill, been bailed out for their incompetence and are still being paid stupid amounts of bonuses even though they now effectively work for us.


The media it seems have treat people as a whole with contempt and invaded the lives of anyone they saw fit, and in the minds of many Murdock has done far worse by undermining, and made a mockery of, the one thing we had to be proud of, our democracy.


The Police have been caught out for corruption from the top down.


Just what has anyone got left to look up to in this country and what reason to keep up any moral standing when all above have been to take what they want and with very little consequence.

Just who is going to listen to the police, the media and politicians anymore after all that's been brought to light ?


Who is Cameron trying to fool when he talks about stamping out this and that when he and his ilk have sinned themselves. Having money should not excuse moral responsibility, and not having it men that you can be forced into having a different mindset and forget all the behavior that you see from your peers.


Its society that will fix itself, regular people like you and me. This won't be fixed by stern words from the people that we know have pandered as much to media moguls as they have the electorate, no one at the top is going to tell people they should act responsible after they themselves have been acting reckless with the positions that they have been privileged to find themselves in, its going to us that says its un acceptable and we don't want to live in a lawless society and they can pretend they speak for us but its just our voices with their mouths moving.

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