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The sooner politicians realise this the better.

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Politicians who tax us have personally taxed the taxes,


The media that stand for truth and honesty have been seen to moral less and dishonest,


The Police who are paid to tackle corruption have been found to be corrupt,


Bankers that we saw as the people to keep safe our money have been seen to squander it...


Yes Britain is broken alright, but its taken kids out on the streets mimicking what they see from their peers to highlight it and have anyone take notice. Theres no excuse for it but its a problem from top to bottom and no amount of dictation from Cameron that he will beat the badness out of society means diddly squat if his only focus is on those at the bottom and with no acknowledgment that the problem is endemic of society of a whole and address all the issues hat got us here.

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If you had listened to his speech on Monday you would know that his criticism blamed these people also.



I suggest you redirect your comments to Peter Orbone as it was he who wrote the article.


I'm sure he will have a little chuckle to himself at the thought of a person from a northern town being naive enough to defend the party of the rich.


Lambs to the slaughter is probably the thought that crosses his mind.

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I suggest you redirect your comments to Peter Orbone as it was he who wrote the article.


I'm sure he will have a little chuckle to himself at the thought of a person from a northern town being naive enough to defend the party of the rich.


Lambs to the slaughter is probably the thought that crosses his mind.

I am defending no one I was asking if you had heard or read the speech before making the comments you did.

By the way would you support Labour no matter what they do and criticise the Conservatives no matter what they do ?

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I am defending no one I was asking if you had heard or read the speech before making the comments you did.

By the way would you support Labour no matter what they do and criticise the Conservatives no matter what they do ?


The comments were made by the Telegraph writer. A Tory supporter.


I don't support Labour

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Cameron is quick to blame others for the riots, but would never think at looking at the bad example set by policitions and other rich people.


I'll translate the above.


I'm a lazy slob with no talent and no prospects so I'll blame someone for my own failings in the hope I can con them, and myself, into not noticing I'm an idiot sloth.

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Ah, the truth at last :hihi:


The translation is the truth but only partially true about me.

I'm a lazy begger but one doing a really simple job for 18 times minimum wage.

That's makes me a rich and clever lazy slob with two maids to keep things tidy however slobby I am.

I'm sat in a swing chair, outside but in the shade of a palm tree posting this.


Enjoy your smug comment while I enjoy my exceptionally smug ones.

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What happened to the saying 'let he who is without sin cast the first stone' ?


I say this because Cameron was into loutish behavior when he was in his youth, just so happens he could buy his way out of it and excuse his behavior with his cash.


The Politicians as a whole have been caught with their hands in the honey pot.


The Bankers have had their fill, been bailed out for their incompetence and are still being paid stupid amounts of bonuses even though they now effectively work for us.


The media it seems have treat people as a whole with contempt and invaded the lives of anyone they saw fit, and in the minds of many Murdock has done far worse by undermining, and made a mockery of, the one thing we had to be proud of, our democracy.


The Police have been caught out for corruption from the top down.


Just what has anyone got left to look up to in this country and what reason to keep up any moral standing when all above have been to take what they want and with very little consequence.

Just who is going to listen to the police, the media and politicians anymore after all that's been brought to light ?


Who is Cameron trying to fool when he talks about stamping out this and that when he and his ilk have sinned themselves. Having money should not excuse moral responsibility, and not having it men that you can be forced into having a different mindset and forget all the behavior that you see from your peers.


Its society that will fix itself, regular people like you and me. This won't be fixed by stern words from the people that we know have pandered as much to media moguls as they have the electorate, no one at the top is going to tell people they should act responsible after they themselves have been acting reckless with the positions that they have been privileged to find themselves in, its going to us that says its un acceptable and we don't want to live in a lawless society and they can pretend they speak for us but its just our voices with their mouths moving.



A well thought out analysis that no one could disagree with.


Well except for the Sheffield Tory inteligentsia who will understand it as Oooo goodie another opertunaty to slag off Cameron!!

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