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The sooner politicians realise this the better.

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Totally agree, its the people in the middle that will be paying for all this break down (if that is what it is) in our society with their taxes.

The money that we have paid to look into, and sort out, the expenses scandal, the many Iraq inquiries, the media intrusion/Police corruption inquiries and the Bank bailouts, all of this will be footed by the tax payer when in effect all of the above is not our fault, by people that are paid well to serve our society.


If they cannot get it right and cost us all of this, through no fault of the average Joe, that goes out to earn a crust and pays into a system that supposed to work for us.

How can we then look down at kids in the street for burning and pillaging all they can get when these people are the lowest among us and have nothing yet those among us that have everything and the paid responsibility to run things have cost us far more than any of these riots.


Yes this problem needs addressing but it sticks right in my throat when I see Politicians now step up to the mantle and proclaim all our evils on the rioters/looters.

When we get the bill in for all this lot we should take a look at just how much it has cost us in comparison to those in society that we trusted with the charge of this country, lets compare all of the above and find out where the wasted taxes really ended up.

Lets see how many on both sides of the spectrum loose their liberty and their prospects of a working life.


What we wanted to hear from Politicians (and with their heads hung low), is that we are all in a mess here and ask that we all make an effort to regain some moral standing in this country.


Even the middle have lost their way, people who are otherwise on the surface are outstanding citizens are at it as much as everyone else. The people that buy the stolen/counterfeit goods to save a bob or two. The people that get creative with there taxes, get a few perks from work... Everyone is at it, or at least the moral breakdown is far bigger than anyone dare admit.



Another great post kimba :thumbsup:

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