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Solar Panel Megathread

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Hi, I would think it would take several years of use just to recoup the installation costs, maybe many years in this country due to lack of sunshine


Every good installer must use calculation software. This software gives a very accurate indication of system output based on weather data at a particular location.


When we carry out a property survey we give clients a presentation based on these figures. This way we can work out accurately how long it will take to pay off installation costs and total payout from the feed in tariff s over the 25 year period.


I think you will be surprised.

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I can't help you with your question unfortunately, I don't have solar panels myself, but I was just wondering if you've heard of the Sheffield Solar Farm at the University of Sheffield? They are looking for home users of solar panels to give them their data so they can see how the panels work in nothern locations. The website is here http://www.sheffieldsolarfarm.group.shef.ac.uk/

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Every good installer must use calculation software. This software gives a very accurate indication of system output based on weather data at a particular location.


When we carry out a property survey we give clients a presentation based on these figures. This way we can work out accurately how long it will take to pay off installation costs and total payout from the feed in tariff s over the 25 year period.


I think you will be surprised.


why not offer them free and you take the money from the feed in tariff as a shade greener do?

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why not offer them free and you take the money from the feed in tariff as a shade greener do?


Installing free P.V. panels requires financial backing which companies like 'A Shade Greener' will probably have. There's nothing wrong with these companies but if you can afford it, paying for the installation yourself will be a a great investment and far better then in a bank. The FIT ( Feed In Tariff) is index linked and was 41.3p/unit generated earlier this year and has recently increased to 43.3p/unit generated. On top of this any energy that you don't use you will also get 3.1p/unit exported.


A typical system will take approximately 10 years to pay for itself and a calculation for payback will be supplied during a consultation. Cheaper and smaller systems can be installed and within reason can be expanded at a later date.

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Installing free P.V. panels requires financial backing which companies like 'A Shade Greener' will probably have. There's nothing wrong with these companies but if you can afford it, paying for the installation yourself will be a a great investment and far better then in a bank. The FIT ( Feed In Tariff) is index linked and was 41.3p/unit generated earlier this year and has recently increased to 43.3p/unit generated. On top of this any energy that you don't use you will also get 3.1p/unit exported.


A typical system will take approximately 10 years to pay for itself and a calculation for payback will be supplied during a consultation. Cheaper and smaller systems can be installed and within reason can be expanded at a later date.


But,a ground source heat pump,should pay for itself in just 6 years,and with riseing energy prices,that will drop dramatically,and is ALWAYS assured,as the source is right beneath your feet

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