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Solar Panel Megathread

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Nope,its just greed.Oh and us British just moan about it and do nothing,pay it and moan again.





Daily Fail actually ...




Hidden green taxes now make up a fifth of every household’s gas and electricity bills, energy campaigners warned last night.

Cash strapped families pay an average of £200 a year in stealth levies to subsidise Britain's massive expansion of wind farms, solar panels and 'environmentally friendly' heating schemes.Yesterday outraged campaigners called for an end to the secret subsidies and demanded power companies reveal how much their customers are paying for climate change policies...


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If i may comment.....

Solar panels WILL pay for themselves at around the 10-15 year mark...some sooner some later.

Most panels carry a 5 year warrenty....Sanyo now give 10 years.

All panels carry a performance warranty...This ensures the panels will generate at least 85% of their design output at 25 years old...they have to for the feed in tarrif.

Panels are made of sillica sand...same stuff pooter chips are made of...oh and a bit of silver for the electrical conections.

If your roof faces due south great...if its a bit west or eat it will still work but not quite as well...but a good engineer will work out the best system to get a good return on your investment.

So you pay £14.000 for your system.

IF fitted by an MCS engineer you will get:-

43.3p per kw of electricity you generate. For 25 years garanteed!

You can use that electricty in your home and you will still be paid for it!!!

If you do use it that means you don't buy that electricity from your supplier so you save around 12p per kw.

Half of all the electricity you generate will be "bought back" for 3p per kw.

Maintainence every 5 years or so....electrically test the system....takes about the same time asit takes to drink your tea!


Have a look at the link...its a 3.4kw system fitted to a house in Chesterfield...fitted in April this year and has alreaduy earned the owner nearly £500 TAX FREE!!

Go on......do the math!



That's fine if you have the £14k to spare in the first place and have it installed by a MCS engineer. Those that install the same panels without the MCS accreditation will not get that tax free amount and will save around £140 if they use that ammount given those figures. Lets see how it is in a years time and then its worth discussing. Also I'm not sure I would bank on any government to guarantee anything. Its likely that the FIT rebate will change as it has done in other countries.


What does annoys me is that everybody who uses electricity will be subsidising them through a tax that the government have put on electricity providers which gets passed on to the consumer.


I do notice that there is a sudden boom of PV installers who are keen to promote it so it shows that its a very profitable business for them.

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The real question should be:-


Are the rising energy prices due to people switching to solar?


Generally, photovoltaics (the electric generating solar panels) don't pay for themselves in Britain. They have a limited lifespan (around 20-25 years if memory serves) and because we have British weather, there's not enough solar energy on them for the output to be particulalrly efficient, especially not copmpared to installation costs / maintenance etc. Plus, they're full of chemicals that make them difficult to dispose of, much like fridges, so once they're useless they become a much less envrionmental-sounding option...


I don't know as much about the water heating systems - I would presume the fact that they're a simpler system avoids many of the above issues. I stayed in a house that ran the shower of them, it was pretty warm - though how much energy is saved 'per shower' I've no idea.


If i may comment.....

Solar panels WILL pay for themselves at around the 10-15 year mark...some sooner some later.

Most panels carry a 5 year warrenty....Sanyo now give 10 years.

All panels carry a performance warranty...This ensures the panels will generate at least 85% of their design output at 25 years old...they have to for the feed in tarrif.

Panels are made of sillica sand...same stuff pooter chips are made of...oh and a bit of silver for the electrical conections.


Computer chips are themselves a considerable pollutant. PV panels are rather larger and as they become more common, will presumably add to the toxic waste problem.


If your roof faces due south great...if its a bit west or eat it will still work but not quite as well...but a good engineer will work out the best system to get a good return on your investment.

So you pay £14.000 for your system.

IF fitted by an MCS engineer you will get:-

43.3p per kw of electricity you generate. For 25 years garanteed!


Who pays that 43.3p per KwH? If the government pays, where do they get the money from?


You can use that electricty in your home and you will still be paid for it!!!

If you do use it that means you don't buy that electricity from your supplier so you save around 12p per kw.

Half of all the electricity you generate will be "bought back" for 3p per kw.

Maintainence every 5 years or so....electrically test the system....takes about the same time asit takes to drink your tea!


Have a look at the link...its a 3.4kw system fitted to a house in Chesterfield...fitted in April this year and has alreaduy earned the owner nearly £500 TAX FREE!!

Go on......do the math!


By all means do the maths. - But do it all, not just the bit which supports your argument.


I live in a country which produces a significant amount of electricity from wind, water and PV sources. The feed-in tarriff is paid by the electricity companies (who are obliged to buy the 'green' electricity at twice what they charge to supply electricity.)


They pass the cost on to the consumers. The consumer always pays in the end.


Electricity here costs nearly twice as much as it does in the UK and the reason it is so expensive is that a significant amount is produced using very expensive methods.

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The real question should be:-


Are the rising energy prices due to people switching to solar?


That's what I was thinking, "How will power generators secure obscene profits if people turn to solar power?"

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I am thinking about having solar panels fitted on my roof, and wanted to know:-


any companies to avoid?

are they any good?

what about planning and building regulations?


any probelms, who repairs?


if any has had these fitted in Sheffield and whats there experience been.



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In terms of planning permission, solar panels are usually considered permitted, in that permission is not normally required, however you will need to check with the planning department.


Building regulations will be required - you will (or a structural engineer) need to demonstrate that the surface they are to be fixed to (roof or facade) can accommodate the extra weight. The electrics will need to comply to part P of the BR.


Hope this helps.

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does any one know if you are able to get free solar panels.i have heard of a company that is doing this but cant find the web site thanks


Buy having a free system fitted you are giving away over £49000 from an initiall outlay of just £10,000 They are not fitting the panels for free they are the only winners and when you come to sell your property it is worth thousands less as the new home owners cannot install their own solar panels and get their own £49000 profit.


Don't go down this route pay for the system yourself so you get the profits .

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I was going to do this, I read the terms in full..


The company owns the panels and can remove them at anytime .. If these guys goes bust there will be lots of holes in roofs..


Buy having a free system fitted you are giving away over £49000 from an initiall outlay of just £10,000 They are not fitting the panels for free they are the only winners and when you come to sell your property it is worth thousands less as the new home owners cannot install their own solar panels and get their own £49000 profit.


Don't go down this route pay for the system yourself so you get the profits .

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