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Solar Panel Megathread

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There is no such word as FREE- the reason why the company said no is because your roof may be to small- they need a large roof what can fit approx 15 panels at 220kwh. to they can claim the maxinmum of the 4KWATT they need. small roofs are a waste of time for these guys

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We are about to become MCS approved on Solar PV, Air source heat pumps, and solar thermal.


There have already been several valid points made. Its true the gov has cut back on the rates for feed in tarrif, but only on commercial.


The technology will def improve in the future and its only natural that the material costs will come down as sale volumes go up. Its a tricky one, do you wait until it becomes cheaper and the feed in tarrif has dropped, or do you strike while the iron is hot so to speak.


You are definately better off if you can pay for the install out of your own pocket, as free installs keep the feed in tarrif for 25 years, so you only benifit from any elec savings the panels provide. Great if you are in during the day to do your washing etc, but not so great if you work all day.


Im about to put my own money where my mouth is and fit solar pv and air source to my own property. I will obviously be getting this done at cost so am very fortunate. A typical install can cost around £12000.


Its also worth doing your homework on the panels you will have installed. The first panels I looked at only produced 175 kwp per panel, and there are panels on the market that produce around 250 kwp. These higher output panels are naturally more expensive, but will generate more electricity giving you a better return from the feed in tarrif.


As we will be fitting this for our customers in the very near future, I am more than happy to show / advise people of the benifits.


Kind regards


Steven Peacock



Edited by Mr Peacock
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I am thinking about having solar panels fitted on my roof, and wanted to know:-


any companies to avoid?

are they any good?

what about planning and building regulations?


any probelms, who repairs?


if any has had these fitted in Sheffield and whats there experience been.






We are about to become MCS approved for solar pv, and would be happy to provide you with a free no obligation quotation.


Feel free to contact us on 0800 6529250 or visit http://www.oneheating.co.uk


Kind regards


Steven Peacock



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Beware... was talking to a couple of specialist on the subject at The Innovation Centre, 217 Portobello, Sheffield only this week. First you must be a home-owner for most of these free schemes


To maximize their profit, these companies mass produce panels at a standard size so they select only properties with roof that will accommodate them; as a home-owner you are then tied into a 20 to 25 year contract where they 'lease' your roof to insert the panels; you get free electricity but they get so much more back from the government approx £10,000 p.a., possibly more if it is a large semi or detach house - do the maths!


Lets not get away from the fact you have had the solar panels supplied and fitted free AND no more electricity bills to pay forever, but in my view the more sensible option will be to beg/borrow and short of steal the money, remortgage if you can (there are still some great low interest deals available), and pay for it to be supplied and installed. They are also not that difficult, or expensive to install, just make sure you get someone recommended. What you save in bills plus the government payout will go someway towards paying off the loan you took out. Once the loan is repaid in possibly 3 to 5 years, you are quids in - the remaining government payout goes into your own pocket! Hope this helps.

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