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Solar Panel Megathread

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Solar subsidies to be cut by more than half


Government documents prematurely published online reveal feed-in tariff cut will double the payback period for householders.


Full article here: http://www.guardian.co.uk/environmen...idies-cut-half


If anyone is considering Solar we would urge you to act now. Please free to give us a call on 01909 519381 or visit http://www.solar-roof-solutions.co.uk

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i am very neutral in this discussion but am i right with a free system they lease your roof meaning you have to have them panels there for ten years even if you sell your house they have still got to be on your roof for ten years?


No, its 25 years but what's the problem when you're getting free electricity for that time without it costing you a penny? Who knows how much leccy will cost in the future. If there were two 3 bed semis for sale and one came with free leccy and the other one didn't I know which one I'd go for. No brainer. I was the first on my street to have mine now all my neighbours have them. I've nearly halved my leccy bill:D

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I've written it on another thread, save yourself thousands of pounds by ordering directly from China. They deliver to the nearest port for around 70P per watt, so 10Kw. will cost you 7 grand. I'm a retired electronics engineer so fitting mine here in Florida was straight forward but any competent electrician can, with the help of a builder/carpenter install yours. Get somebody who knows a little about electronics to build you an inverter. parts can be had from Maplin in town. If you plan to sell the surplus then the inverter will have to be what is known as a true sine wave.

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The governement is going to announce in parlament on Monday at 10am their plans for the feed in tariff.


If they do as expected, and reduce the feed in tariff, then anyone interested in having solar PV installed should act fast to secure the current 43.3p rate, and ensure you maximise your return on investment.


They have also indicated in a leaked document, that they will implement any reduction in the current tariff by as early as December 8th 2011.


To avoid dissapointment please contact us on 0800 6529250 or 01142471805 to book your PV installation.


Kind regards



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Oh dear...

seems that, once again the politicians have conned people.



In another article, "The solar power industry is bracing itself for a killer blow tomorrow when the Government is set to announce that it is to halve the rates it pays homeowners for the electricity they generate.


People with solar panels can currently sell any electricity generated to the National Grid for 43.3p per Kw/hr, but it is understood that Energy Minister Greg Barker will announce a tariff of just 21p per Kw/hr."


Just knew it was a variation of the double-glazing scam.

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If i may comment.....

Solar panels WILL pay for themselves at around the 10-15 year mark...some sooner some later.

Most panels carry a 5 year warrenty....Sanyo now give 10 years.

All panels carry a performance warranty...This ensures the panels will generate at least 85% of their design output at 25 years old...they have to for the feed in tarrif.

Panels are made of sillica sand...same stuff pooter chips are made of...oh and a bit of silver for the electrical conections.

If your roof faces due south great...if its a bit west or eat it will still work but not quite as well...but a good engineer will work out the best system to get a good return on your investment.

So you pay £14.000 for your system.

IF fitted by an MCS engineer you will get:-

43.3p per kw of electricity you generate. For 25 years garanteed!

You can use that electricty in your home and you will still be paid for it!!!

If you do use it that means you don't buy that electricity from your supplier so you save around 12p per kw.

Half of all the electricity you generate will be "bought back" for 3p per kw.

Maintainence every 5 years or so....electrically test the system....takes about the same time asit takes to drink your tea!


Have a look at the link...its a 3.4kw system fitted to a house in Chesterfield...fitted in April this year and has alreaduy earned the owner nearly £500 TAX FREE!!

Go on......do the math!


I think I'm correct but they only pay in that time because of the feed in tariff, they won't generate enough electricity in their life time to cover the cost of them without the subsidy.

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And in yet more news about the Great Green Con:


"European green fuel regulations are threatening to hit ferry operators with a big increase in costs that could lead to big rises in fares, route closures and job losses.


The European Union has ruled that by 2015 all ships must cut the level of sulphur in their fuel by 90%. Ferry operators say this will push up fuel costs by as much as 87% and passengers could face fare increases of more than 20%."




"Meanwhile, Government targets for electric cars could cost the Treasury £10 Bn a year in lost fuel duty.

The Institute for Public Policy Research is urging the Government to consider plugging the gap by introducing road pricing - taxing drivers according to the amount they use the roads."


Diesel cars, anyone? Solar panels? Electric cars? Snake oil?

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And in yet more news about the Great Green Con:


"European green fuel regulations are threatening to hit ferry operators with a big increase in costs that could lead to big rises in fares, route closures and job losses.


The European Union has ruled that by 2015 all ships must cut the level of sulphur in their fuel by 90%. Ferry operators say this will push up fuel costs by as much as 87% and passengers could face fare increases of more than 20%."




"Meanwhile, Government targets for electric cars could cost the Treasury £10 Bn a year in lost fuel duty.

The Institute for Public Policy Research is urging the Government to consider plugging the gap by introducing road pricing - taxing drivers according to the amount they use the roads."


Diesel cars, anyone? Solar panels? Electric cars? Snake oil?


I suppose whatever ways we all work out to save money, the government will find something else to replace it with that they can charge us for!

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And in yet more news about the Great Green Con:


"European green fuel regulations are threatening to hit ferry operators with a big increase in costs that could lead to big rises in fares, route closures and job losses.


The European Union has ruled that by 2015 all ships must cut the level of sulphur in their fuel by 90%. Ferry operators say this will push up fuel costs by as much as 87% and passengers could face fare increases of more than 20%."




"Meanwhile, Government targets for electric cars could cost the Treasury £10 Bn a year in lost fuel duty.

The Institute for Public Policy Research is urging the Government to consider plugging the gap by introducing road pricing - taxing drivers according to the amount they use the roads."


Diesel cars, anyone? Solar panels? Electric cars? Snake oil?


This is not a rule created by the EU it is the EU following the rule changed by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO).

The cost to health will be €15 to 34 billion if nothing is done.

Transport by ship accounts on average for less than 1% of the retail price of a consumer product, the impact on consumer products is considered to be negligible.



The IMO has changed its rules because the emission from ships at sea is expected to be greater than all land based SOx by the year 2020. This is because most countries are reducing SOx emissions and the fuel used by the ships is gotten more and more from the dirty end of the fractionating column.


Detail:The IMO has made a ruling on the sulphur content of marine fuels. As a result, the maximum permissible sulphur content of maritime fuels used in sensitive areas which are defined as SOx Emission Control Areas (SECAs) under the 1997 IMO MARPOL Convention will fall from the previous level of 1.5 % to 0.1 %, as of 1 January 2015. These areas are currently the Baltic Sea, the North Sea and the English Channel. Other areas are to reduce their sulphur emissions from 4.5 % down to 0.5 % by 1 January 2020.


Full report

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