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Solar Panel Megathread

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This is not a rule created by the EU it is the EU following the rule changed by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO).

The cost to health will be €15 to 34 billion if nothing is done.

Transport by ship accounts on average for less than 1% of the retail price of a consumer product, the impact on consumer products is considered to be negligible. etc.


Just the IMOs opinion, and haven't we had about enough of these 'experts' proclaiming crap which is usually discounted later on? I'm not particularly bothered about the Govt. hype about saving polar bears, 'if it saves one life' etc.


I'm more concerned that our politicians forever steering the people down one route - whether it's 'saving the planet', 'saving on your energy bills' and all these rest - and then, when they have sufficient take-up, performing a convenient volte face.

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Just the IMOs opinion, ... .


The experts from these 26 countries don't agree with the IMOs opinion either.


Afghanistan, Andorra, Armenia, Belarus, Bhutan, Burkina Faso, Botswana, Burundi, Central African Republic, Chad, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Lesotho, Liechtenstein, Mali, Micronesia, Nauru, Niger, Niue, Rwanda, Swaziland, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Vatican City and Zambia.


Experts from the other 169 countries of the world agreed.


That includes Russia, China, USA, India, Brazil, France.......

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Experts from the other 169 countries of the world agreed.


That includes Russia, China, USA, India, Brazil, France.......


And, as with the Kyoto Agreement, I'd guarantee that they pay it no more than lip service, be more concerned with economic growth and leave it to suckers like the UK to implement every last sentence of the 'Agreement'.

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And, as with the Kyoto Agreement, I'd guarantee that they pay it no more than lip service, be more concerned with economic growth and leave it to suckers like the UK to implement every last sentence of the 'Agreement'.


I totally agree with your comments on Kyoto. Its both a farce and a get out.

The Kyoto Protocol required countries to essentially 'police' themselves and so is often seen as unworkable (and not signed by USA). So, for example a Chinese factory would not be prosecuted in Canada for its contribution to air pollution over Canada.

But a Chinese ship passing through or docking at a Canadian port can and are prosecuted for pollution.


Ships have to carry and show on demand paperwork which includes detail of high and low sulphur fuel use. Chemical testing of fuel also takes place.

So it is relatively easy to make the polluters pay. Avoiding the paperwork is itself an offence. The delay or threat of delay is enough for the owners of international traffic to want to comply. Home water traffic would depend on local law being adhered to.


Cruise ships and ferries are exempt in some countries. So a cruise ship registered in the US can empty its passengers toilet water straight into the Caribbean and at the same time carry its own smog around. European ones cannot. That matters to some people.

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It's something thats growing. I can see quite a few now from my bedroom window. But we need to do it don't we ? We buy in a lot from France who just as easily could pit the price up. Fossil fuels are declining ( not in cost though) so what choice do we have ? You could knock up a few nuclear power stations but that will neither be quick or cheap. Id put panels on all new builds by law.

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Oh dear...

seems that, once again the politicians have conned people.



In another article, "The solar power industry is bracing itself for a killer blow tomorrow when the Government is set to announce that it is to halve the rates it pays homeowners for the electricity they generate.


People with solar panels can currently sell any electricity generated to the National Grid for 43.3p per Kw/hr, but it is understood that Energy Minister Greg Barker will announce a tariff of just 21p per Kw/hr."


Just knew it was a variation of the double-glazing scam.


IIRC any cuts will only affect new installations after a certain as yet to be announced date.


The problem is that the FIT was originally introduced to help individuals but it has been hijacked by private companies who are in it to claim the FIT as profit for themselves. Its a bit of a loophole as if a company set up its own array of panels it would get a reduced income and not the full FIT.

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Solar panel returns will be slashed under Government plans to cut Feed in Tariffs payments by more than half - homeowners would see annual income dive from about £1,100 to £500.


A proposal released today would see the payments homeowners get for solar panel generated electricity cut from 43.3p per kWh to 21p.The cuts will apply to all solar panel installations made after 12 December, with existing systems and those that are operational before that date locked into the current generous payment levels.


Read more: http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/bills/article-2055623/Solar-panel-Feed-Tariffs-returns-cut-half.html#ixzz1cMwdwNBG


If you intend having solar panels you have 6 weeks!!


01909 519381 http://www.solar-roof-solutions.co.uk

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