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Solar Panel Megathread

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Just a quickie, can anyone enlighten me as to wether the council allow solar panels in their properties?

I'm very interested but unsure if the council would appreciate someone "owning their roof"!!


i worked for the coucil for a mumber of years and i dont think they would allow solar panels one reason they may need access to the roof and roof space but its worth a phone call to the planning department

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I checked this, the consultation period doesn't end until the 23rd of Dec. It's not confirmed yet.


The consultation period doesn't end until the 23rd but the FITs at the present rate finishes on the 12th December. Any installations registered after the 12th will receive the reduced rate from April 2012. This has caused outrage and several organisations are trying to take legal action against the Government because of this. There are also concerns from Europe that Britain wont be able to meet their CO2 reduction targets. http://www.pvfit.co.uk/2011/10/breaking-news-decc-announce-50-cuts-to-pv-fits/

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