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Solar Panel Megathread

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About £15,000 of panels to make couple of hundred pounds worth of free electricity a year was never viable. I just hope the government see sense and cuts the existing tariffs because I don’t see why the tax payer should subsidise business profits or someone’s free electricity.

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I always thought they were overpriced, even with the feed in tarrif. But there must have been a reason why the gov decided originally what that level was going to be. Or were they misinformed, or duped. I cetainly don't know. But it doesn't seem to me to be a viable thing to do now.


I wonder how those companies who 'fit them free' (effectively commandeering your roofspace) and holding those to a 25 year lease on the feed in tarrif will now react when effectively they are going to lose half of the expected income over that 25 years? Or was there a get out clause where they can do it for 50 years?...???

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I always thought they were overpriced, even with the feed in tarrif. But there must have been a reason why the gov decided originally what that level was going to be. Or were they misinformed, or duped. I cetainly don't know. But it doesn't seem to me to be a viable thing to do now.


I wonder how those companies who 'fit them free' (effectively commandeering your roofspace) and holding those to a 25 year lease on the feed in tarrif will now react when effectively they are going to lose half of the expected income over that 25 years? Or was there a get out clause where they can do it for 50 years?...???


I think stupid is the word you are looking for, my son works for one of the companies that supply them and half the work force are being made redundant.


As it stand the companies and people that have installed them will still be getting the higher tariff.

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i've always been tempted, but not by subsidised panels.. i don't want to tie into generating electricity for others gain - what kit is needed exactly for an average 3 bed south-facing semi? as an exercise i'd like to get a direct-from-china price.

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I think stupid is the word you are looking for, my son works for one of the companies that supply them and half the work force are being made redundant.


As it stand the companies and people that have installed them will still be getting the higher tariff.



So who's stupid? The gov?


So effectively, if your son has (or some in his company) are being made redundant as a direct result of the halving of the tarrif, that's terrible!!!!...With every screwed up decision the gov makes. Little do they have any comprehension of the consequences. It makes me angry! :rant:

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i've always been tempted, but not by subsidised panels.. i don't want to tie into generating electricity for others gain - what kit is needed exactly for an average 3 bed south-facing semi? as an exercise i'd like to get a direct-from-china price.


A direct quote from China?...it's one hell of a way for them to travel to fit them!!!!! :hihi::hihi::hihi:

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So who's stupid? The gov?


So effectively, if your son has (or some in his company) are being made redundant as a direct result of the halving of the tarrif, that's terrible!!!!...With every screwed up decision the gov makes. Little do they have any comprehension of the consequences. It makes me angry! :rant:


The government that set the unsustainably high tariff, it employed people for a while but lack of money was always going to result in it becoming unaffordable and people losing jobs.

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About £15,000 of panels to make couple of hundred pounds worth of free electricity a year was never viable. I just hope the government see sense and cuts the existing tariffs because I don’t see why the tax payer should subsidise business profits or someone’s free electricity.
It utterly defies belief that anybody would dig into their pocket to buy them without realising that they would never pay back, even if they stay working for decades.


Still, some people give their bank details to bogus Nigerian princes on the internet, so I guess it should be expected.

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