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Solar Panel Megathread

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Maybe I've misunderstood, but I thought it was based on what you actually export.




It's what you generate, not export.


So it will be much higher in the summer. The winter would generate the lowest FIT payment due to the minimal generating time and lower light intensity.


This is correct, the FIT payments are based on what you generate and then you get paid a little extra for what you export, but it will save you more money to actually use the electricity than to export it as you only get 3p per kWh for exporting against the 7-10p you will pay from your electricity provider.


It also depends on the size of the system and whether the inverter is suited. If you are in any doubt contact your installer.

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Can anyone enlighten me as to roof requirements? can the free panels only be fitted on south facing roofs, and does this have to be the flat face of the roof? thanks


Hi Vix2000 - we still do the free panels and can go as low as 10/12 panels, if you complete the form on the link below we will get back to you ASAP. http://www.solar-roof-solutions.co.uk/index.php/Contact-Us

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Has anyone else on here had their FIT payments through yet?


Reason I ask is I have just had mine through for the first three months and it is nothing like what we were expecting. Basically we were told we would get about £1200 a year from the panels, just over a £1000 of that being from the FIT tariff and the rest of excess which is sold to the grid.


The cheque we have had for the first 3 months is only £100! Now I am not that good at maths but 4x100 does not make £1200......


Is that right?




I am following this thread with interest, with the comments you have had about the above thread, would i be right then in saying you would receive about £900 for the two warmest months or has your supplier not been as honest as it could have been, i don't think ( no reference to any body on S/F)

that solar panels is as straight forward as it my at first seem

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I am following this thread with interest, with the comments you have had about the above thread, would i be right then in saying you would receive about £900 for the two warmest months or has your supplier not been as honest as it could have been, i don't think ( no reference to any body on S/F)

that solar panels is as straight forward as it my at first seem


Hi Kidley


I have spoke to British Gas today who have explained everything to me, and to be honest have probably explained it better to me than all the people who came round to quote did!


Basically, the installer gives you a SAP calculated system annual yield, which includes numbers of panels, orientation etc. This figure they then use to calculate the FIT income on the quote. THIS IS A QUOTE ONLY!


So I have been told that my SAP is about 2500, which is just over £1000 a year, they then add in the potential savings and sell back income and that comes in at £1200 or there abouts.


Having spoke to British Gas, they have hold me that my panels have achieved about 80% of what they should have done over the winter months as my reading was 240 kwh for the end of february. Having checked today the meter is at 620kw so in a month it has addedd twice what it made in 3!!! And when I put todays figure to British Gas they confirmed that they were now making about 140% of what was expected.


And he also said to remember that the FIT quote is a quote, so more sun means possibly higher readings and more money!


He also said he had heard some horror stories of customers being promised outlandish returns on their systems.......


So in response to your post, yes it is quite complicated, but once explained properly it is easier to get your head round and I do think if your roof is right and you've got the money they are a good investment.


And there is nowt like watching your electricity meter not moving whilst you've got the washing machine on!!!!


Hope this makes sense as I've written it on my blackberry!

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Hi samsparro


Firstly thank you very much for going to the trouble of explaining this to me, i think i will have to read it a couple of times before it all sinks in, i am thinking of having it installed myself as you will agree its a big outlay and needs thinking about. `Thanks again.

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Hi samsparro


Firstly thank you very much for going to the trouble of explaining this to me, i think i will have to read it a couple of times before it all sinks in, i am thinking of having it installed myself as you will agree its a big outlay and needs thinking about. `Thanks again.


Your right it is a big outlay, but looking at adverts recently it has come down in price quite a bit! I paid 5 figures for mine, but have seen them advertised for about 7 grand.


It wasn't just the FIT payments that made us go for it, we wanted some protection against rising electricity bills which we hope the panels will do.


With all the figures above, I think its important to get a number of quotes off of different companies for their potential figures and see what you think.


I would recommend it to anyone, and if you want details of the company I used give me a PM



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Can anyone enlighten me as to roof requirements? can the free panels only be fitted on south facing roofs, and does this have to be the flat face of the roof? thanks


They won't fit them on roofs that are not going to generate them a return, which is why they only really use south facing.


If you pay or them yourself you can stick them where ever you like!

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i've had a rep from a company called solarstyle uk round today. i can have a 3kw system consisting of 12 panels for £9200. he claims this would generate a minimum of £1053 per annum. are these figures reasonably correct or should i take them with the proverbial pinch of salt?

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i've had a rep from a company called solarstyle uk round today. i can have a 3kw system consisting of 12 panels for £9200. he claims this would generate a minimum of £1053 per annum. are these figures reasonably correct or should i take them with the proverbial pinch of salt?


Hi there,


Without doing full SAP calcs on your property it's hard to say what exactly your system would generate. What I would say though is that circa £9000 for such a system is incredibly expensive! We have systems starting from around £4,000.


If you want to PM me your details including full address I'd be happy to forward a 'desktop appraisal' for you via email - no obligation. This will give a full breakdown of the estimated generation potential and cost. Naturally, as this is just a desktop appraisal, a full on-site appraisal would be needed to give more accurate figures.


Best wishes


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