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Solar Panel Megathread

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So how much- at present- would a 4kW solar panel system cost (inc. everything), on average?


Hi Jeffrey.


Check out our fixed prices at http://www.greenbuyenergy.co.uk


We are happy to give you a proposal if you wish to pm us.


If you are serious about having PV, its worth noting the feed in tarriff drops from 21p to 16p from Aug 1st 2012


Kind regards



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So how much- at present- would a 4kW solar panel system cost (inc. everything), on average?


4 kW solar PV will cost from £6,500 using Canadian Solar Panels, SMA sunny Boy inverter, remote energy monitor and a fully inclusive ten year insured warranty on all aspects of the installation.


A quotation can be accurately carried out on google earth. No sales visit needed.


0114 249 60 97


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Had a very interesting conversation with a sparky the other day, he fitted his own panesl before they reduced the pay back tariff for energy you put back into the grid. His system cost $15000 and will pay back £75000 over the next 20 years


Will they really last 20years?

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The panels lose efficiency every year, Just under 1% per year.

Generally all the panel manufacturers will guarantee no less than 80 % efficiency on the 25th year. Some manufacturers even have insurance to back up their claims.


So they are still working effectively after 25 years but just at 80% of what they were when installed.




If they were earning £1000 per year on year one, the figure will look more like £800 on year 25 but....


The Feed in Tariff is index linked, as so, increases with inflation, so the figures above will be subject to annual inflation for 25 years. Who knows their value at that time ?


April 2012 previous clients saw a 4.8 % increase in their Feed InTariff payments !

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Feed in tariff is great, but I think people quickly forget that you save a lot more money if you USE that energy generated rather than resell it.


For example on a hot sunny day like today, you could happily run a 1kW air conditioner or two, entirely off the solar energy being generated.


If I weren't stuck in a council house I would get them in a heartbeat for that aspect alone. I wouldn't even bother with the feed in tariff as it would be more affordable for me to get them for free (the company fitting them gets the feed in money instead) as I use a decent amount of energy in the day time so they would save me a lot of money on day time usage.

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The panels lose efficiency every year, Just under 1% per year.

Generally all the panel manufacturers will guarantee no less than 80 % efficiency on the 25th year. Some manufacturers even have insurance to back up their claims.


So they are still working effectively after 25 years but just at 80% of what they were when installed.




If they were earning £1000 per year on year one, the figure will look more like £800 on year 25 but....


The Feed in Tariff is index linked, as so, increases with inflation, so the figures above will be subject to annual inflation for 25 years. Who knows their value at that time ?


April 2012 previous clients saw a 4.8 % increase in their Feed InTariff payments !


But given that inflation affects all things (more or less) it's pretty much irrelevant. The amount in 25 years will be the equivalent of £800 today.

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Feed in tariff is great, but I think people quickly forget that you save a lot more money if you USE that energy generated rather than resell it.


For example on a hot sunny day like today, you could happily run a 1kW air conditioner or two, entirely off the solar energy being generated.

And how would that save you 'more' money than if you sold the output?


If I weren't stuck in a council house I would get them in a heartbeat for that aspect alone. I wouldn't even bother with the feed in tariff as it would be more affordable for me to get them for free (the company fitting them gets the feed in money instead) as I use a decent amount of energy in the day time so they would save me a lot of money on day time usage.

Most people who could buy these systems are at work during the day and probably don't use all that much power.

Obviously their fridge is still running, and they might put the washing on a delayed timer. But the kettle will be off, the lights will off, the TV and computer will be off.

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Of course, IF you pay for the panels and installation.


However I do not think people consider that if you use a fair bit of electricity in the daylight hours and want an immediate impact without spending any money, you can get one of the free solar panel deals.


The way they work is the company supplies and fits the panels for free and THEY get the FIT, which pays for it. It would be ideal for the likes of me (if only I wasn't in a council house) as no way I could afford to buy the panels outright but I would save plenty using the free electricity.


It sucks Sheffield Homes won't install panels, keep the FIT and then let us reap the benefit of the free eletricity. Its particularly ideal for those of us low incomes.

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  • 3 weeks later...
And how would that save you 'more' money than if you sold the output?


It is more beneficial to use the electricity being generated than allowing it to be 'sold' back to the grid because you buy in electricity at between 7-13p per kWh but you will only get paid 4.5p by selling/exporting it to your provider.


Plus, until every home is installed with an incoming 'smart meter' which is due to start in 2013, your provider doesn't know how much you of the generated electricity you are using and how much you are exporting back to them. So at the moment they will assume that 50% of what you generate gets used and 50% will be exported. This is of course great for those homes that would use over 50% because they get an extra, bit of cash!


We recommend all our customers to get as many appliances on timers as possible to come on at certain points during the day, that way they are utilising as much of the free electricity as possible.

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