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Solar Panel Megathread

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we live in a 3bed semi which is south west facing, sun on the front in a morning then on the back until dark. I am 70 my oh is near 80 so it could be that reason for the refusal, we don't sit in the house all day we are still active.

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I think the FIT has been reduced 2 or 3 times in the last 2 or 3 years so the economics have changed for free solar panels. I imagine that small systems (under 2.5-3kwh) are unlikely to be funded due to the lesser return for similar costs, also I think the companies are tightening up if the panels may be shaded from a hill, a tree, a chimney breast etc for an hour or more.

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We are south facing and shade greener also gave us the knock back, telling us that we had an obstruction in the way. When I asked what the obstruction was I was told it was a trees. When I told him that our house backed onto the football pitches he didn't know what to say and hung up.

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" For optimum performance the panels should be fixed on south facing roofs or roofs within 55 degrees either side of due south. Panels will operate on roofs that aren’t south facing but we only fit for optimum performance because we are paid for the electricity that is generated. We cannot afford to fit on roofs where the optimum level of performance can’t be reached. Also, we won’t fit on roofs that are overshadowed by trees or other objects as that will also affect the performance of the panels. There also has to be sufficient uninterrupted space for our panels – around 24sq meters. "




Probs something to do with that....

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  • 2 months later...

To be honest, for some people the free option is good, but for others the option of owning them outright is the best option.

You would be better off getting quotes, but it's not always wise to go for the cheapest....the same goes for the most expensive; some companies over-charge for the cheap panels, making them look legit.

There's a company called Your Energy Options that offer unbiased advice, and aren't affiliated with any brand.

Here's a link to their survey https://eSurv.org?u=SolarPV

Oh and they don't even need to come to your house to pressure you. They do what is called a 'remote quote'.

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To be honest, for some people the free option is good, but for others the option of owning them outright is the best option.

You would be better off getting quotes, but it's not always wise to go for the cheapest....the same goes for the most expensive; some companies over-charge for the cheap panels, making them look legit.

There's a company called Your Energy Options that offer unbiased advice, and aren't affiliated with any brand.

Here's a link to their survey https://eSurv.org?u=SolarPV

Oh and they don't even need to come to your house to pressure you. They do what is called a 'remote quote'.


Surely SPAM

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  • 2 months later...

Today the government have announced basically the end of the FiT scheme.


Under the new proposals, the amount paid to households installing solar panels will from next year will fall from 12.47p per kilowatt hour to 1.63p for a new residential solar system - a fall of 87 per cent.

That amount will decrease gradually until the end of the decade, when subsidies will be cancelled.

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