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Solar Panel Megathread

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Im intrested in these pannels but i think my roof faces the wrong way, loads of my neighbours have had it done and the ones that have all have thier roofs facing southish.... was that a requirement?


You need south facing roof or very near, the pitch of the roof also comes into the equatoin. It does not mean they dont work if they are not exactly south facing but they do not perform as well. You used to be able to go on the "A Shade Greener" website and put the address of your house into Google earth and it would tell you if you are suitable for free panels.

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You'll only get the "free" panels if you have a roof that is unshaded, of sufficient size AND orientated within 30' of N/S. If (like mine) your roof points E/W the panels will be approx. 15% less efficient and you won't get them for free. However they would still make a good investment if you currently have approx £12-13k in the bank earning a pittance. You should get a return of up to £1000 pa on a decent set of panels - or in the region of 6%.


The "free" panels could make your house harder to sell as you would be looking for a buyer who was willing to have a 3rd Party with access rights to their roof.

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There is already a large thread on here named ' How do I get free solar panels?'. To get them from 'A shade greener' your roof MUST be facing south with no obstructions. I have got them and cannot praise the company highly enough, however I think everything to be said is already on the previous thread.

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I know that yearly leccy bill will fall but its predicted PV will cut bill by £120-£150 per year, and to gain the most benefit you need to be using this PV leccy during the day - so brill if youre at home all day to reap full benefit.



Just a quick update for those that might be interested.

We've just received our first bill for the first full quarter since having our panels installed and I have to say that I'm over the moon.

For the same quarter last year our bill was £145.37p. This quarter it's £30.83p! Thats quite a big saving for just 3 months......£114.54.

It gets better though......this was from an estimated reading taken on December 2nd 2010 which has been recorded as 2659. The actual reading taken for comparison today is actually 2372 so that is a whacking 287 killowatts over read. In other words.........we have paid for electricity that we haven't even used yet.

Also bare in mind that for quite some part of this past quarter the panels were completely covered in thick snow so they weren't actually generating anything at all.

Am I happy??? You bet your life I am. Even multiplying approximately this current savings by 4 quarters, we are on course for savings of at least £400 per year. :love:

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