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Can't Britain just close and say we are full up?

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According to the rules set out in this thread no-one is a national of anywhere because originally we are all immigrants.


We're all or most of us are the offspring of immigrants I think is the point being made, just words.

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But doesn't that same argument lay all nations to ruin...


No, a nation is what it finds itself today including all the movements and changes that have occurred over it's history.


The argument only holds sway if you believe a nation should only be defined as a group of people with a similar or identical ethnicity which is of course, impossible in 2011.


John X

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Sorry could you say that again in the Queen's English old boy?

Well if we all originated from Africa how does that make me superior and where have I claimed any such daft thing anyway?

What's up Stream does it stick in your throat that you've encountered a darky who doesn't conform to your stereotype? Dangerous thing this generalising mallarkey.


You're not making a lot of sense there except trying to blow some old trumpet. Shame you fall into the same nonsense that i have have somehow stereotyped you.


I just read what you write and take account of your reactions. Semi retired with nothing better to do.


Bet you've done this most of your life haven't you...

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We're all or most of us are the offspring of immigrants I think is the point being made, just words.


No, the point is, we all are and everybody else in the world is...


But the real question is, at what point does an individual become a national and be able to call themselves an indigenous inhabitant. Until that is clarified, everyone is an immigrant.


Supposedly, according to the (first googled) dictionary, a native is anyone who has been domicile for at least ten years.


So, (not pointed at you), this argument of everyone is an immigrant and therefore can't complain becomes moot...





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No, the point is, we all are and everybody else in the world is...


But the real question is, at what point does an individual become a national and be able to call themselves an indigenous inhabitant. Until that is clarified, everyone is an immigrant.


Supposedly, according to the (first googled) dictionary, a native is anyone who has been domicile for at least ten years.


So, (not pointed at you), this argument of everyone is an immigrant and therefore can't complain becomes moot...






Getting too deep and meaningful for me just words, think I'll have to sleep on that one :)

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