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Can't Britain just close and say we are full up?

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Tell me, what have you done to make this country great?


I've worked my socks off mate, brought up a law abiding family that are all self sufficient.


I treat anybody who I meet with respect, help people around me who are less fortunate than.


I'm always polite, helpful and willing to lend a hand to neighbours like the majority of the "indigenous" population.


What I'm not is some scumbag who arrives on these shores and expects endless handouts from the state while not bothering to learn the language or integrate whatsoever.


There is an overgeneralisation that all immigrants are workshy freeloaders, this is not the case at all but our unchecked immigration policies (to suit some ridiculous PC agenda) allow in the feckless of any background to do as they please....wrong, wrong, wrong!!!


Answer me one question: If there was a referendum in this country to end immigration, yes or no, what do you think the majority answer would be.

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As a means to an understanding what the extreme right mean when they say only 'indigenous Brits' should inhabit this land.


In the old days they could just say 'Rights for Whites' and 'If their Black, send them Back!'


In these more enlightened days they are too afraid to say this, so instead talk of the 'indigenous British'.


Unfortunately no-one can seem to be able to explain to me what that means.


John X


In real modern terms I gave you a link. If they don't like the law then...

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Or is this 'indigenous' thing meant to mean something so literal that it's ignoring the modern world we live in and laws of this country? If your saying it is then your being a bit ridiculous!


Sorry - system crash. (Hence the slow reply)


Yes we all know what 'indigenous' means (and we all know what a British Citizen is).


The question was what is an 'indigenous Brit'?


John X


I'm not so sure that we all do know what 'indigenous' means and given that there is no concise definition, it's a pretty vague term.


If you say indigenous means 'born here' then is a Chinese child (with Han parents who happened to be passing through the UK when the child was born) an indigenous Brit? - Of course not.


There was a colony of Romans - people who kept themselves separate from the population - living in London until the 9th century. Julius Caesar came to England in 55BC, so they had been here for a while.


Are they 'Indigenous Brits'? - If not, why not?


The Angles and the Saxons came later. They were immigrants. - Hardly 'Indigenous Brits'. - Or were they?


Consider two very different people:


1. Sir Trevor MacDonald. A gentleman of the dark-skinned persuasion. He probably wasn't born in the UK, but he does speak pretty good English, he has lived here for very many years and I - for one - have no problem in identifying him as 'a Brit'.


2. One of the pasty-skinned pudgy chavettes interviewed on TV last week during the riots. She was a Brit. Really? - I've been speaking English for more than 60 years, and I reckon I'm fairly fluent. I could understand about one out of every three words she said.


Is she an indigenous Brit?


If you want to use the term 'indigenous Brit' in an argument - and if the argument is to be taken seriously - then I suggest it would be a very good idea to define concisely the term 'indigenous Brit' before you start.


You did not do so.

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I've worked my socks off mate, brought up a law abiding family that are all self sufficient.


I treat anybody who I meet with respect, help people around me who are less fortunate than.


I'm always polite, helpful and willing to lend a hand to neighbours like the majority of the "indigenous" population.


What I'm not is some scumbag who arrives on these shores and expects endless handouts from the state while not bothering to learn the language or integrate whatsoever.


There is an overgeneralisation that all immigrants are workshy freeloaders, this is not the case at all but our unchecked immigration policies (to suit some ridiculous PC agenda) allow in the feckless of any background to do as they please....wrong, wrong, wrong!!!

Answer me one question: If there was a referendum in this country to end immigration, yes or no, what do you think the majority answer would be.


Oh yes there was, answer please.

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