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Can't Britain just close and say we are full up?

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We are not, until recently anyway, a nation of immigrants.



We have always been a nation of immigrants, right back to the Celts. The Romans, Angles, Saxon, Jutes, Vikings and Normans all invaded this country; none of them were indigenous to it.


Immigration has always continued, from escaping Huguenots to Dutchmen accompanying William of Orange, a trickle of Native Americans, slaves who escaped to shore ...


The only noticeable difference in the last fifty years is not the scale of people coming in, but the fact they were mostly black and Indian.

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Note during the Tory years on that graph, net migration was low and even negative for a couple of years. Soon as Labour got in, it sky rocketed.


At the risk of pointing out the blindingly obvious could this not be linked to the growth in the economy.


I'm sure you'll notice the growth during the Labour years and the lack of it during the Tory years.


Maybe, just maybe we need people here whne the economy is doing well and it just so happens that it tends to do better under Labour than the Tories.


Anyway they are all going back now, it's the fault of the Snow, Royal Wedding and a resistant headwind.



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And who are the indigenous Brits?


Serious question.


John X

They are those Africans(allegedly) who decided after touring round Europe to settle down in this country and populate it and make it grow ,the ones who fought for this country and renounced their original birthplace ,no dual nationality in those days,and made this country what it was until just after the second world war when someone decided to open the gates ,that was no problem then as there was a distinct lack of workforce because of the British who gave their lives to see their country and indeed most of the western stay free,sadly whoever unlocked the door seems to have lost the key and no one in charge seems to want to make a trip to a locksmith.

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We have always been a nation of immigrants, right back to the Celts. The Romans, Angles, Saxon, Jutes, Vikings and Normans all invaded this country; none of them were indigenous to it.


Immigration has always continued, from escaping Huguenots to Dutchmen accompanying William of Orange, a trickle of Native Americans, slaves who escaped to shore ...


The only noticeable difference in the last fifty years is not the scale of people coming in, but the fact they were mostly black and Indian.


But wouldn't the majority of people have to be an immigrant for it to be claimed we're a nation of immigrants..


I wouldn't class invading forces as immigrants. I'm not sure if we could claim to be merely emigrating to other countries during our empire years..:hihi:

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Out of interest, where are you hailing from? :wave:



I'm not quite sure what you're asking.


Where am I at the moment? In the Bavarian Alps. Here


Or where am I from originally? The Channel Islands. Came to the UK in 1968, lived there for 20 years. Went to the US in 88 for 3 years, came back to the UK in 91 stayed for another 12 years. Maintained a home in the UK, but worked in Belgium for a couple of years then in Germany for 3 years. Sold my house in the UK, moved to the US for a year, then back to Germany.


I pay UK income tax on my world-wide income and paid into the non-resident stamp scheme (to retain my pension eligibility.) I can also be liable to file tax returns in Germany, the US and the Channel Islands, but dual-taxation agreements and other tax treaties mean I don't have to pay twice.


I spend part of the year in Germany, part of the year in Florida and part of the year in the UK. From next year, I'll probably buy a house in the UK and spend more time there.


But not between the beginning of November and beginning of April! I've had enough of cold wet rainy winters (and I'd also be happy to pass on cold winters with 6 feet of snow too) thanks.

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....and let millions go out.

They had already left never to return ,lying rotting in unmarked graves after they had given their lives to protect their country,the same country where the populace now seem to bend over backwards to deride their own country and people, and will not be content until it is handed over lock stock and barrel to people who failed in their own countries and instead of staying their to make their own countries better take the easy way out and come to a country which welcomes them with open arms and turns it over to them to do as they please.More mosques Vicar we have need of them urgently

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