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Can't Britain just close and say we are full up?

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Mmmm the trouble with data by the government on immigration is that it fits their agenda to say that immigration is profitable. But its not.


I doubt very much if the data includes things like the cost of counter terrorism in the wake of 7/7. The cost of increasing border patrols. There's hundreds of hidden costs. For example all the new measures needed to deal with airline security the need for translators in every public organisation and the cost of say, the rioters, who were immigrants.


Rose tinted glasses where worn when the report was written...


Surely all the evidence points to the fact that when there are periods of high Immigration, you are also in a period of strong economic growth.


THen when you hit the Snow, the Royal Wedding and resistant headwinds the levels of Immigration fall.


It really is a bit obvious, people follow the work around.




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7/7 was committed by immigrants or the sons of immigrants...


I doubt if the report includes eastern european motor insurance fraudsters who crash their car on purpose and make a claim..


What about the cost of the recent large scale police operation to crack down on child grooming? I doubt if that cost is mentioned...Everytime an immigrant is arrested there is a cost. The report will not cover all costs, it can't...


Tip of the icberg me thinks:suspect:

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Yes we pretty much worked that out already, but what about white British people who have black blood (or Greek, or Turkish, or Romanian or German etc, etc, etc) in them?


Then they are indigenous Greek, Turks, Romanian and German who now live in England. On the face of it, no pun intended, they'd appear indigenous British, but they are not.


If I went to live in Nigeria for a hundred years, I'd never be an indigenous Nigerian.


Its nothing to do with disrespecting, or thinking you're better than another race. We're all different, I don't know why any Nigerian, Pakistani, China Man or Mexican would want to be identified as indigenous British. They should be proud to be who they are.


A fail safe method, if it was needed, to stop others claiming to be indigenous is for us whiteys to claim immigrants are indigenous, they'd soon deny any such thing.


Furthermore, you can't claim to be as British as the next man and then support another nation at cricket. IMO...Or support another nation we are at war with, unless a traitor that is....

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Then they are indigenous Greek, Turks, Romanian and German who now live in England. On the face of it, no pun intended, they'd appear indigenous British, but they are not.


If I went to live in Nigeria for a hundred years, I'd never be an indigenous Nigerian.


Its nothing to do with disrespecting, or thinking you're better than another race. We're all different, I don't know why any Nigerian, Pakistani, China Man or Mexican would want to be identified as indigenous British. They should be proud to be who they are.


A fail safe method, if it was needed, to stop others claiming to be indigenous is for us whiteys to claim immigrants are indigenous, they'd soon deny any such thing.


Furthermore, you can't claim to be as British as the next man and then support another nation at cricket. IMO...Or support another nation we are at war with, unless a traitor that is....

They usually are proud of who they are ,it seems to be just the British/English who attack their native land and people on a regular basis,I believe they call it the British/English disease.

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Surely all the evidence points to the fact that when there are periods of high Immigration, you are also in a period of strong economic growth.


THen when you hit the Snow, the Royal Wedding and resistant headwinds the levels of Immigration fall.


It really is a bit obvious, people follow the work around.





Ah I see migrants all follow the work so in the boom years they came and in the tough times they go to find the work elsewhere. Do you think anywhere near the levels of inward net migration seen since 1997 will leave during the tough economic times?

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So what are you saying should be the relevant factor when deciding on immigration levels?


Not whatever it happened to be in 1066 that's for certain, that was the point.


If you would like to argue how the levels of immigration of hundreds of years ago is in any way relevant to what it should be in todays world, then please do.



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You dont know me or I suspect Boyfriday I wish i could base my assumptions of people on what they say on one particular subject on a forum


Apart from a few individuals who are complete internet constructs, most people on here are who they say they are. I know people who know boyfriday in real life and speak very highly of him. I also know people who know you in real life who don't speak so highly of you, or the kind of people you associate with. :suspect:


And regardless of who knows who in real life, just judging by what is posted on here, boyfriday comes across as an positive, intelligent and open-minded person whereas you come across as negative, confused, small-minded and obsessed with immigration.


So going back to my original post, I'd rather live in a society populated by boyfridays* than Glamrockers although it takes all sorts to make a world.


John X


*sorry to boyfriday for dragging him into this ridiculous debate! :(

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Then they are indigenous Greek, Turks, Romanian and German who now live in England. On the face of it, no pun intended, they'd appear indigenous British, but they are not.
So you wouldn't believe the present Royal Family is indigenous?

If I went to live in Nigeria for a hundred years, I'd never be an indigenous Nigerian.


Its nothing to do with disrespecting, or thinking you're better than another race. We're all different, I don't know why any Nigerian, Pakistani, China Man or Mexican would want to be identified as indigenous British. They should be proud to be who they are.


Perhaps my point wasn't clear, I was really referring to mixed race individuals, who are born here of parents/grandparents/great grandparents etc one of whom might not be 'white and/or British'.


This is the essence of my argument-to claim to be indigenous to these lands then presumably there needs to be a reference point from which it can be defined ie an unbroken and demonstrable line of breeding with people who have exclusively formed relationships with each other for many thousands of years.


Of course if you'd gone to live in Nigeria 100 years ago you wouldn't have been 'indigenous', but what if you'd married a native and had children, all of whom subsequently went on to produce with other natives, would that change your view?


Personally I don't share your obsession with 'indigenous', it's an irrelevant label that anyone who is white British would find difficult to satisfy since what you believe to be indigenous British is a glorious melting pot, that's why you all look so different physically..different eye colour, hair colour etc within the same families. Obviously those differences have to have been spawned from somewhere. I wouldn't claim to be 'indigenously Jamaican', even though notionally most Jamaicans share similar physical characteristics-you don't often see black Jamaicans with red hair or blue eyes for example.


To be honest, I've no problem with you describing yourself as 'indigenous British', it's none of my business, but by the same token I don't believe it's a matter for you how others choose to describe themselves, so what I take issue with is the BNP stating people they don't regard as 'indigenous' are 'civically British'-what a damn cheek, especially as using Nick Griffin's definition of indigenous means we're nearly all civically British!


A fail safe method, if it was needed, to stop others claiming to be indigenous is for us whiteys to claim immigrants are indigenous, they'd soon deny any such thing.


Again that's part of the problem, it's not for "whiteys to claim immigrants are indigenous", the categorisation of people is not at the behest of "whitey", one is either indigenous or one is not and very few individuals in this world properly are.


Furthermore, you can't claim to be as British as the next man and then support another nation at cricket. IMO...Or support another nation we are at war with, unless a traitor that is....

Sorry I'm not quite sure what that has to do with someone's indigenous status which surely is about their genetic make up more than anything else.
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