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Can't Britain just close and say we are full up?

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So did you see the Crimewatch Special on the riots last night? From London to Bristol. From Salford to Birmingham. The CCTV indisputibly showed the rioters/looters were overwhelmingly black.


If it was in the Daily Mail, you'd trot out the usual SF nonsense. This was the BBC.


How do you discern the nature of someone's residency status by the colour of their skin?


That's the sort of nonsense usually trotted out by the SF gobfrothers.


My post was replying to one relating to immigration, not ethnicity.

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Do you have a thought on the 675,000 Brits living illegally in Spain and taking advantage of the Spanish Health Service.


Surely if we took all our illegals back and sent all theirs back we'd increase the overcrowding.



That's a somewhat dated article! The Pound has been weak against the Euro for some years now.


What makes you think that those Brits are living illegally in Spain? Brits living in other EU countries are entitled to 'take advantage' of the health service on the same terms as locals just as Citizens of other EU countries living in the UK are entitled to 'take advantage' of the NHS on the same terms as the locals.


In the UK, Health care is 'free at the point of service' - for all EU citizens. In Germany, everybody is required to have health insurance (most get it through the state) and everybody gets a bill which they take to their insurer. Provided that the rules are the same for everybody, you can hardly complain.


I suspect that programmes like 'A place in the Sun' aren't made to provide unbiased advice to would-be migrants, they're made as 'entertainment' - and they're about as entertaining as shingles. I hate them, but my wife is an avid viewer.) On those occasions in which the programme shows an area with which I'm familiar, I'm amazed at the mis-representation (or rather 'economy with the truth'.)


Unfortunately there's nothing new about Brits moving abroad to retire and finding that their pensions rapidly become inadequate. In the late 1960s, a number of English people bought retirement homes on the Island on which I grew up.


They bought the house cheaply enough (or so they thought - a number of locals made a lot of money selling houses to English immigrants for prices the locals couldn't afford) but then inflation set in, the cost of living rose sharply and the new residents found they didn't have enough money to live on. Many of them couldn't afford a decent standard of living and were reduced to (near) poverty. Unfortunately, many of them then found that they couldn't sell their houses, so moving back was very difficult.


If you're going to move somewhere to retire (particularly if it's somewhere with a different currency to the one in which your pension is going to be paid) then I suggest it would be a good idea to consider whether you could live adequately on 80% (or even 70% or less) of your forecast income.


The grass may well be greener on the other side of the fence, but will you be able to afford to pay somebody to cut it?

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The facts are hidden or not collected, because those in power are doing all they can to hide them. Plus the facts that are out there are discredited or ignored by the liberal appeasers.
Oooo...more innuendo.

Any reasonable person would want its nations own people in work and in decent homes rather than giving those jobs and homes to people of other nations.




I agree, but the problem is many of our own people don't want to do the jobs immigrants are doing or have the requisite skills to do so.


Ps: Why do the nationalists keep quoting Migration Watch? They have about as much credibility as Louis Farrakhan when talking about immigration and race relations.

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Quite a way down it indicates only 375000 have registered formally as they don't want their Spanish collecting their taxes.



And how many people who live in the UK have registered formally?


You don't have to register your presence in the UK. Each country makes its own rules - and each country has to live with the consequences of those rules.

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I've yet to see on this thread anyone championing the rights of illegal immigrants, you're crudely trying to sway the argument against immigration by highlighting the activities of those that nobody is condoning should be here.

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I agree, but the problem is many of our own people don't want to do the jobs immigrants are doing or have the requisite skills to do so.


Totally false. Our own 'people' don't get a look in as there's a queue of non-nationals standing in line before them. Most companies take a 'we can pay X a lot less than we can Y'. And it's been going on for years now.

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where? and how does that make them illegal? The story is about ex pats getting ripped off.:roll:


those expats are contributing to spains economy and not taking jobs or social housing. How is it relevent to the million illegal immigrants we have here?:huh::roll:


If there's a compulsion on you to formally register your residence and pay tax on your income,and you fail to do so then you are acting illegally.


No different to people coming here and not telling anyone, then going and working on the fiddle.

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What makes you think that those Brits are living illegally in Spain? Brits living in other EU countries are entitled to 'take advantage' of the health service on the same terms as locals just as Citizens of other EU countries living in the UK are entitled to 'take advantage' of the NHS on the same terms as the locals.



If you are resident there then you need to pay their taxes, if you don't tell them you can still use their Health Service funded by the Spanish taxpayers.


How are these different to people doing the same thing here?

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